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%HI_RegKeyHandler function
Control function for defining keyboard shortcuts
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%HI_RegKeyHandler( IN INT _VKCode, IN BOOL _bCtrl, IN BOOL _bShift, IN BOOL _bAlt) |
Parameters Parametre
_VKCode | Kód stlačenej klávesyCode of pressed key. |
_bCtrlPríznak | stavu klávesy CTRL v momente stlačenia klávesy _VKCodeAttribute of the CTRL key state when the key _VKCode is pressed. |
_bShiftPríznak | stavu klávesy SHIFT v momente stlačenia klávesy _VKCodeAttribute of the SHIFT key state when the key _VKCode is pressed. |
_Alt | Príznak stavu klávesy ALT v momente stlačenia klávesy _VKCode. |
bAlt | Attribute of the ALT key state when the key _VKCode is pressed. |
The control function defines keyboard shortcuts, the pressing of which generates an OnKeyDown event.
Unlike ENTRY OnKeyPress, this event is called even if the picture does not handle user input (has no focus) or is hidden (invisible). From the point of view of the user input operator, the event is called asynchronously and therefore has only an informative character - "the user pressed a defined key combination". The event is called even if there is a collision between system and application-defined keyboard shortcuts. If there are several pictures open at the same time in the HI process that serve the input, they operate independently of each other and are not affected in any way.
Unlike ENTRY OnKeyPress, this event is called even if the picture does not handle user input (has no focus) or is hidden (invisible). From the point of view of the user input operator, the event is called asynchronously and therefore has only an informative character - "the user pressed a defined key combination". The event is called even if there is a collision between system and application-defined keyboard shortcuts. If there are several pictures open at the same time in the HI process that serve the input, they operate independently of each other and are not affected in any way.
Riadiaca funkcia definuje klávesové skratky, ktorých stlačenie generuje udalosť OnKeyDown.
Táto udalosť na rozdiel od ENTRY OnKeyPress je volaná aj v prípade, že schéma neobsluhuje vstup od užívateľa (nemá focus) alebo je skrytá (neviditeľná). Udalosť je z pohľadu obsluhy užívateľského vstupu volaná asynchrónne a preto má len informatívny charakter – „užívateľ stlačil definovanú kombináciu kláves“. Udalosť je volaná aj v prípade, že dochádza ku kolízii medzi systémovými a aplikačne definovanými klávesovými skratkami. Ak je v procese HI súčasne otvorených viacero schém, ktoré obsluhujú vstup, fungujú nezávisle od seba a nijako sa neovplyvňujú.Príklad
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; SkratkaShortcut ALT + a ALT+a %HI_RegKeyHandler(61,@FALSE,@FALSE,@TRUE) |
Info | ||
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Funkcie pre ovládanie aktívnej schémy |