Assignment of application data (metadata) to a graphic object. If the object contains some metadata, the name of the first record will be displayed in the button. Multiple records are indicated by ",...".
The list box allows a user to select a active picture event for the push button. The list box contains the following active picture events:
You can also define a hotkey for the button - underlined character. To create an underline character enter the character & (ampersand) before the required character.
The button displayed above contains the underlined character O, so the hotkey is ALT+O. The hotkey performs the same effect as clicking the button.
Note: Using hotkeys doesn't work in pictures of MDI type (the parameter Window type - the option MDI window), if such a picture is not a subpicture.
Definition button for Esc.
Support for the Enter and Esc keys works under the following conditions:
This parameter is not supported in Thin Client.
For more rules see the page Drawing rules and object properties for D2000 Thin Client.
Bitové mapy
Tlačidlá umožňujú zobrazovať (podľa stavu v ktorom sa nachádzajú) 1-3 bitové mapy. Pri použití bitových máp sa neberie do úvahy parameter transparentnosť, tlačidlo sa kreslí ako pri použití parametra "Ako tlačidlo" s tým rozdielom, že základné (defaultne) umiestnenie je vľavo a nie v strede.
Okno priradenia bitových máp obsahuje pole výberu bitovej mapy (2) pre vybraný stav tlačidla.
Toto pole obsahuje meno bitovej mapy, tlačidlo otvárajúce okno výberu a tlačidlo zrušenia výberu (x). Zrušenie pripojenia je možné aj zadaním neexistujúceho mena bitovej mapy.
Pod priestorom výberu sa nachádza pole bitových máp pre možné stavy tlačidla,
kde (3) určuje, s ktorým stavom (povolený a zakázaný) sa pracuje v poli výberu. Ukážka jednotlivých stavov:
Výber stavu je pre niektoré stavy (nie pre stav zakázaný) možný ak kliknutím do zobrazenia použitej bitovej mapy. A štart výberu dvojitým kliknutim do zobrazenia použitej bitovej mapy.
Buttons enable displaying (according to the state they are in) 1-2 bitmaps. When using bitmaps, the parameter transparency is not taken into account, the button is drawn just like using the parameter "How button" but basic (default) position is on the left side and not in the middle.
The window of assigning bitmaps contains selection filed of a bitmap (2) for selected button state.
This field contains the name of a bitmap, the button opening selection window and the button ending the selection (x). Ending the connection is possible also by entering the non-existing name of the bitmap.
Under the selection field, there is a field of bitmaps for possible button states,
where it (3) defines with which state (allowed or prohibited) we will work in the selection field. An illustration of individual states:
State selection is for some states (not for prohibited state) possible also by clicking into a display of the used bitmap; and the start of the selection by double-clicking into a display of the used bitmap.
Note: When using a color bitmap, Windows system Note: In use of a color bitmap, Windows systems converts it to a monochromatic one, and therefore we recommend you to use monochromatic bitmaps to avoid distortion of the color bitmap.
Note relating to D2000 Thin Client
For more rules see the page Drawing rules and object properties for D2000 Thin Client.
Názov použitého fontu je zobrazený v rozbaľovacom zozname, ktorý obsahuje pre zrýchlenie výberu posledne použité fonty. Clicking The name of the used font is displayed in the unpacking list that contains last used fonts for speeding the selection. Clicking the button placed right opens a list of text fonts. A font selected from the list will be used for the button text. For more information on text fonts see the topic Text fonts.
Posledným parametrom je farba textu The last parameter is color text (4) a jej výber. Ak je v políčku písmeno D použije sa default farba z windowsov. and its selection. If there is a letter D in the field, the default color from Windows will be used.
Note: Font can be modified (changed) from the picture script using the function %HI_SetFontStyle.