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in system alarm states

The system responds only to changes of in single states. Alarm conditions must be defined for changing the alarm states and operations corresponding to this these changes. Objects of the Alarm type are defined by using the on-line online system configurator - the process D2000 CNF process.

The following table describes all the possible changes of in system alarm states.

Alarm status changeCondition to change
Normal -> Alarm
The condition to start the alarm must be met. The condition is represented by an object of BOOLEAN type. Change into the state Alarm is subject to the time filter.
Alarm -> Acknowledged
The operator acknowledged the alarm.
Alarm -> Normal
The condition of ending an alarm must be met. If the condition is not defined, the condition of starting an alarm has to finish. If the alarm is defined as an acknowledgement-required alarm, its status may not change from the state Alarm
to the state Normal
Acknowledged -> Normal
The condition of ending an alarm must be met. If the condition is not defined, the condition of starting an alarm must finish.
Normal, Alarm, Acknowledged -> BlockedThe alarm is blocked by the operator.
Blocked -> Normal, AlarmThe alarm is unblocked by the operator. New alarm status (Normal or Alarm) depends on which state the alarm was raised in.
Alarm -> UnacknowledgedThe condition of finishing an alarm is met - for an acknowledgement-required alarm.
Unacknowledged -> Normal
The operator acknowledged the acknowledgement - required alarm.
Unacknowledged -> Alarm
The condition of raising an alarm is met again - for an acknowledgement-required alarm.