Porovnávané verzie


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The protocol is an implementation of the MQTT 3.1.1 standard (October 2014). MQTT protocol is a client/server protocol of a subscribe/publish type. It is simple, has little overhead, and is easy to implement. It is used for M2M communication (Machine to Machine) and in the IoT context (Internet of Things).
D2000 KOM implements the client part of the protocol. The protocol is implemented on a TCP/IP line. 
For transfer of LoRaWAN data encapsulated within the MQTT protocol, see LoRaWan protocol description.

The communication was tested/deployed against:

Each PUBLISH message contains a topic (Topic), data (Payload), and level of confirmation (QoS). PUBLISH messages can be sent both by the client and the server. The clients at the beginning of the communication will use the SUBSCRIBE message to indicate what topics (parameter of Topic Filter protocol) they are interested in. 

The protocol defines the following levels of confirmation of PUBLISH messages - QoS (Quality of Service):
