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SHOW_HANDLE [table/database/structure_definition HOBJ] or [table mask]Shows information on open descriptors. For more information see the chapter DBManager - debugging.
SHOW_CONNECT [database HOBJ [connect/transaction ID]] or [database mask [connect ID]] [DETAIL]Shows information on open connections. For more information see the chapter DBManager - debugging.
SET_WATCHDOG database_mask seconds [NONTRANS]Switches on the monitoring of connections that perform SQL commands longer than the specified time seconds. This information can be used for the profiling of applications and for the detection of slow SQL commands. If a NONTRANS clause is specified, transactional connections are not monitored.
Starting with version 10.1.39, after the long-running SQL is finished, detailed info about it is written to a log file.
More information can be found in chapter D2000 DBManager - debugging.
SET_WATCHDOG_QUEUE database_mask seconds [NONTRANS]Switches on the monitoring of database actions that take longer to be processed (including waiting in queues of DBManager) than the specified time seconds.
After such a database action is finished, detailed info about it is written to a log file. If a NONTRANS clause is specified, transactional connections are not monitored.
More information can be found in chapter D2000 DBManager - debugging.

MONITOR_TRANS SHOW {ALL/<id>} [<file_path>]

MONITOR_TRANS ON <history_depth_sec>



The mechanism for monitoring of the transactions.

ON - activates the monitoring. <history_depth_sec> means a time-depth history of closed transactions.
OFF - deactivates the monitoring
RESET - resets the list of transactions (including the opened ones)
SHOW - shows either the list of transactions including the history (ALL) or the particular transaction (<id>) to a console or file <file_path> in CSV format separated by ";"

Columns in the list:
- ID (transaction identifier)
- time, task, traceback (time the last operation within the group of identical ones, task, traceback in the internal code)
- comment, count (the last comment and the number of consecutive identical operations) (the identical operations has the same task and traceback)

Note: After starting DBManager, the monitoring is switched off.

MONITOR_CONNECTS SHOW {ALL/<id>} [<file_path>]

MONITOR_CONNECTS ON <history_depth_sec>



Monitoring the connections.

ON - activates the monitoring. <history_depth_sec> represents the time-depth history of closed connections.
OFF - deactivates the monitoring
RESET - resets the list of connections (including the opened ones)
SHOW - shows either the list of connections including the history (ALL), or the particular connection (<id>) to a console or file <file_path> in CSV format separated by ";"

Columns in the list:
- ID (auxiliary identifier of connection)
- logon_time, logon_task, logon_traceback (time of connection, task and traceback in internal code)
- logoff_time, logoff_task, logoff_traceback (time of disconnection, task, and traceback in internal code)
- comment (the last written comment for the given connection, e.g. traceback in ESL code)

Note: After starting DBManager, the monitoring is activated with the time-depth history of closed connections which is 3 hours (10 800 seconds).

REFRESH_TABLES secondsThe command is intended for use on the PostgreSQL platform. It is used to close and reopen cursors used in page access to tables so they don't block table vacuuming if these cursors are open for too long. Typically, these are schemes with browsers, which are e.g. open for several days. The parameter seconds is the minimum age of the cursor in seconds to be reopened (e.g. 86400).
TIME_STATISTICS database_mask [DETAIL]Displays statistics of execution of individual database action types per-database or per-table (if a DETAIL parameter is specified).
For more information see the chapter DBManager - debugging.
