Porovnávané verzie
porovnané s
- Tento riadok sa pridal
- Riadok je odstránený.
- Formátovanie sa zmenilo.
LST_GO_PREV action
Action passes on onto the previous page in the list of objects.
Blok kódu | ||||
| ||||
LST_GO_PREV h, data |
h | in | Identifier of the Int type - unique handle on created list of objects. |
data | out | Identifier of the entire structure - the structure must consist of 7 or 9 columns, as defined in SD._System_ObjectInfo. |
Action passes on onto the previous page in list of objects.
If entered handle on list does not exist, event generates an error ERR_NO_DATA. If action is executed on the first page, it gets back zero number of rows to output parameter data because previous page does not exist.