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Tell command SHOW_HANDLE


Note: Starting with D2000 version 23, a DbManager Diagnostic Pack is available that can visualize the information provided by this tell command in the D2000 Cnf or D2000 GrEditor environment.

An interactive query of open open handles with the help of the SHOW_HANDLE Tell command. The syntax of the command is:


Tell command SHOW_CONNECT


Note: Starting with D2000 version 23, a DbManager Diagnostic Pack is available that can visualize the information provided by this tell command in the D2000 Cnf or D2000 GrEditor environment.

Interactive query for open connection by using the the SHOW_CONNECT Tell command. The syntax of the command is:




Note: Starting with D2000 version 23, a DbManager Diagnostic Pack is available that can visualize the information provided by this tell command in the D2000 Cnf or D2000 GrEditor environment.

Tell command displays statistics of execution of individual database action types per-database or per-table (if a parameter DETAIL is specified). For every type of database action (browser open, transaction start, DB_* and DBS_* actions, etc) printout contains the total number of executed actions, total and average duration, and duration of the longest action together with a comment (ESL call chain).
Statistics with zero execution counts are discarded.
If a parameter DETAIL is specified, after the printout of database statistics there follows a printout of per-table statistics of all child tables.
Example of a printout:


  • transaction (they are created by calling DB_TRANS_OPEN in ESL),
  • non-transaction automatic (NTC),
  • non-transaction browser connections (BTCBRC) in case of reservation.

When increased the load increases, there occurs may occur such a state that there are more requests than connections, which is why the requests are enqueued by their type. The structured variable "SV._System_DBMDbPerf" is specially used for monitoring the status of queue statusindividual queues.

Each row of a structured variable describes all three fronts queues by the three values metrics that are updated each 10[s] (see SV._System_DBMDbPerf).


  • name of object Database or
  • name of object Process with a suffix DBM (DbManager). In this case, the values in a row represents represent the summary number of requests and connections for all databases that are serviced by the appropriate process.
