Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Value typeI/O tag address New valueDescription
TxtIIP_ADDRNew recordingThe IP address of the sending repeater
CiSRC_SYSCODENew recordingStores the System Code of the sender (1-16382)
CiSRC_SITECODENew recordingStores the transmitters' Site Code (1-250)
CiSRC_PREFIXIDNew recordingStores the Prefix ID of the transmitter (1-30)
CiSRC_UNIT_IDNew recordingStores the Unit ID of the transmitter (1-2000)
CiSRC_RPTR_NONew recordingStores the transmitter's Repeater No. (1-30)
CiDST_SYSCODENew recordingStores the System Code of the destination (1-16382)
CiDST_SITECODENew recordingStores the Site Code of the destination (1-250)
CiDST_PREFIXIDNew recordingStores the Prefix ID of the destination (1-30)
CiDST_UNIT_IDNew recordingStores the Unit/Group ID of the destination (1-2000,2047)
CiCALL_TYPENew recordingCall type (1-group call, 4-individual call)
TxtIFILE_READYEnd of recordingThe name of the closed file in the Done Path directory
TxtIERRORError occurrenceFatal error processing UDP packet, the packet is dropped
TxtIWARNINGWarning occurenceMinor error while processing UDP packet, processing continues
GPS data processing
CiGPS_PREFIXIDGPS dataStores the Prefix ID of the transmitter (1-30)
CiGPS_UNIT_IDGPS dataStores the Unit ID of the transmitter (1-2000)
CiGPS_DATAGPS dataParsed GPS sentence (without ending <CR><LF>)
TxtIGPS_FILEGPS dataThe name of the closed file with raw GPS data in the Done Path directory
(the file can be deleted since the pure parsed GPS data is in the I/O tag with the address GPS_DATA).
