Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Note: for a SparkPlug MQTT server, Topic has the form 'namespace/group_id/message_type/edge_node_id/[device_id]', where message_type indicates the message type (e.g. DDATA, DBIRTH, DDEATH).
A regular expression (e.g. spBv1.0/Sparkplug Devices/.*/MyDevice/Sensor2) can be used instead of message_type to cover all message types.
If Payload Type=Sparkplug, it is possible to omit the namespace and message_type parts and write the Topic in the abbreviated form 'group_id/edge_node_id/[device_id]' (e.g. Sparkplug Devices/MyDevice/Sensor2).

Note: i is the station address in abbreviated form, commands (DCMD, NCMD) are not processed for it. If it is in the form of a regular expression ('namespace/group_id/.*/edge_node_id/[device_id]'), the station also processes commands (including the command sent by the D2000 KOM process if Send Node Control/Rebirth=YES). Therefore, we recommend the station address in abbreviated form. If it is also necessary to process commands (from other Host Applications), then create another station with an address in the form of a regular expression (e.g. spBv1.0/Sparkplug Devices/DCMD/MyDevice).

Station protocol parameters
