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%HI_EDADebugCalcFunctionRec function

Function initiates debugging of execution of EDAL formula defined when calling the function.
Blok kódu
INT %HI_EDACalcFunctionRec(
   INT in _refId,
   INT in _vectorType,
   TEXT in _vectorBodyEDAL,
   TIME in _bt,
   TIME in _et,
   RECORD () in _params
 [, UNIVAL in _param1, ..., _paramN]) 
_refIdReference to displayer of EDADebugger type (reference variable).
_vectorTypeType of EDA vector. Only values that identify the calculated EDA vector are allowed (described in EDA System documentation – "EDA constants").
_vectorBodyEDALValue of TEXT type that contains correct EDAL formula.
_btBeginning of period for loading values.
_etEnd of period for loading values.
_paramsStructure of optional parameter of function.
_param1,..., _paramNOptional parameters for calculated vector.
Function initiates debugging of execution of EDAL formula defined when calling the function. Debugging is done in EDADebugger environment. It is executed in the context of some existent connection (EDA Server – EDA Client), which is selected by previous calling the function %HI_EDADebugOpen. Function does not wait for termination of calculation which was initiated by this function.
Content of optional parameter structure -  version 1

ParameterData typeDefaultDescription

Version of structure - 1.
2cacheIdINT0 (default read cache)Identifier of cache. 
3versionINT/TEXTinvalid (not defined)Identifier (id/code) of version from which the reading should be performed. 
4envNameTEXT""Name of EDA environment that will be used for calculation. 
5isIntegralBOOL@FALSEFlag of integrality of vector.

Begin time of vector step (for general periodic vectors).
7periodStepBaseINT0Duration of basic step of periodic vector (for general periodic vectors).
8periodStepCountINT0Number of basic steps in one vector period (for general periodic vectors).
9periodTimeZoneINT-1Offset of time zone of vector in seconds <-12*3600 .. 12*3600>. It must be a multiple of 3600 or -1 (-1 - it uses time zone of process).

The return value is _ERR_NO_ERROR after the operation has ended successfully.