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A unique identifier of the object of type Database within the DODM model.

NameA unique name of the object of type Database.
ID process

A unique identifier of the process within which the Database is located. In the case of DbManager instance processes, the same Database can be on several lines. 


The name of the process from which the information about the Database comes. In the case of DbManager instance processes, the same Database can be on several lines.

* Connects

The number of connections to the SQL database in individual states.


The total number of operations (database actions) performed on the Database object by the DbManager process (since the start or since the last statistics reset).

Total Duration

The total duration of operations ( database actions) performed on the Database object by the DbManager process (since the start or since the last statistics reset).

Max Duration

Duration of the longest operation performed on the Database object by the DbManager process (since the start or since the last statistics reset).

Max Operation

The name of the longest operation performed on the Database object by the DbManager process (since the start or since the last statistics reset).

Max Comment

Comment on the longest operation (information about the sequence of calls within the ESL script).

Total QueuedTotal waiting time of messages in the queues of database tasks (since the start or since the last statistics reset).
Max QueuedDuration of the longest waiting time of messages in the queues of database tasks (since the start or since the last statistics reset).

The context menu offers other extended actions:
