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ParameterMeaningUnit / sizeDefault value

Route Path for Unconnected Send (hex)

An octet string representing the parameter Route_Path (of padded EPATH type, that is, the number of octets in each segment must be even). If this parameter is specified, the protocol messages (Get_Attribute_Single, Set_Attribute_Single, Read Tag [Fragmented] Service, Write Tag [Fragmented] Service) will be wrapped in an Unconnected Send message that is used for routing.

It was not necessary to set this parameter when communicating with Micro820, MicroLogix 1100, and CompactLogix devices.

When communicating with ControlLogix via the ControlLogix EtherNet/IP bridge Module (1756-EN2TR/C), it was necessary to set the parameter to 01 00, which according to protocol documentation means Port 1 (which represents the backplane) and slot 0 (where the Central Processor was located). 

To communicate with the processor in slot 1, the parameter had to be set to 01 01, so the general syntax for accessing a slot XX would be 01 XX.

A more complicated configuration consisting of 3 segments:

  • we go through the processor in slot 0: 01 (Backplane) 00 (Slot 0)
  • then we go through port 2 to the IP address 12 (port 2 with the Extended flag in the 5th bit, which means a 1-byte length follows) 0C (data length=12 bytes) 31 37 32 2E 32 35 2E 35 38 2E 31 31 (ASCII codes of IP address
    Note: If the number of characters in the string was odd (e.g. 13), then the length (e.g. 0D) would be followed by an IP address (13 bytes) and then a padding octet 00 to make the number of octets of this segment of the path even.
  • and finally, we go to the processor in slot 1: 01 (Backplane) 01 (Slot 1)

so the whole Route Path string is: 01 00 12 0C 31 37 32 2E 32 35 2E 35 38 2E 31 31 01 01 (in the syntax of Rockwell OPC server it is "1,[0,2,, 1], 1")

octet string

Use Multiple Service Packet Service

Setting the parameter to YES causes the protocol messages (Get_Attribute_Single, Set_Attribute_Single, Read Tag [Fragmented] Service, Write Tag [Fragmented] Service) to be wrapped in a Multiple Service Packet Service message. This parameter is used for communication optimization (wrapping several messages into one), while the size of one message (Unconnected Explicit message) does not exceed the Max Packet Size value.
Note: this feature is not supported on older SLC 5/05 and PLC5E.
Note: on a specific CompactLogix 1769-L36ERM, the parameter setting accelerated the reading cycle of 1000 objects from 15 seconds to 2.2 seconds.


--- Connected Transport Parameters ---

Use Connected Transport

The parameter enables the use of connected CIP connected transport. Instead of of Unconnected Send, a connection is created (with a Forward Open message) and then messages are sent through the created connection.
Note: from testing the connected transport on CompactLogix (1769-L24ER-QBFC1B/A LOGIX5324ER), it follows that it is necessary to change the Max Pending Requests parameter to the value 1, which significantly slows down data reading. Otherwise, CompactLogix will only respond to some messages. Therefore, we do not recommend the use of connected CIP transport.


Connection Path (hex)

The Connection Path parameter of the Forward Open message. The default value means:

  • 01 - Port segment: Backplane
  • 00 - Link Address: 0
  • 20 - Path Segment: 0x20 (8-Bit Class Segment)
  • 02 - Class: Message Router (0x02)
  • 24 - Path Segment: 0x24 (8-Bit Instance Segment)
  • 01 - Instance: 0x01
octet string01 00 20 02 24 01

Vendor ID

The Vendor ID parameter of the Forward Open message indicates the vendor ID (identification of the D2000 KOM process).

0 - 655350x1234


The O->T RPI parameter of the Forward Open message indicates the size of the Originator -> Target Requested Packet Interval in microseconds.



The T->O RPI parameter of the Forward Open message indicates the size of the Target -> Originator Requested Packet Interval in microseconds.


--- PCCC Parameters ---

PCCC Max Data Length

Setting the parameter to a non-zero value causes the use of the PCCC protocol encapsulated in the Ethernet/IP protocol. In this way, it is possible to communicate with older SLC 5/05 and PLC5E. At the same time, the symbolic address of the I/O tag starts to be interpreted as an address in SLC-500 format - see Allen-Bradley CSP/PCCC protocol (e.g. N:3 or $T4:0/ACC).
Note: after changing the parameter from 0 to a non-zero value or back, it is necessary to re-save the I/O tags, restart the KOM process or use the RELOAD command.

0-240 bytes0

PCCC Command Set

Selection of PCCC commands used for communication with older SLC 5/05 and PLC5E if the PCCC Max Data Length parameter is set to a non-zero value. The following options are available for selection:

  • Typed Read (68), PLC5 logical ASCII addressing (*)
  • Typed Read (68), PLC5 logical binary addressing (*)
  • SLC Protected Typed Logical Read (A1/A2)

* - when using these commands, only writing is supported for the file types Status (S), Binary (B), Integer (N), Float (F), and even for these types only writing of whole elements is supported, not bits. Writing is not supported for the Timer (T) and Counter (C) file types. 

