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Identifier of connection within the Database object.


Unique name of the connection within the DbManager process.

ID Database

A unique identifier of the object of Database type within the DODM model.

DatabaseA unique name of the object of Database type.
ID Process

A unique identifier of the process within which the Database is located. In the case of DbManager instance processes, the same Database can be on several lines. 


The name of the process from which the information about the Database comes. In the case of DbManager instance processes, the same Database can be on several lines.

StateState of the connection.

Information on whether the connection is currently performing some activity (Busy) or is idle (Idle)

Busy/Idle TimeDuration of Busy/Idle state.
Busy DetailsBusy status details - details about the activity being performed.
Connect Type

Connection type:

  • NonTransact - non-transactional connection (shared)
  • Transact - transactional connection (exclusively assigned to the script by the DB_TRANS_OPEN action)
  • Browse - a non-transactional connection reserved for the Browser display (if such a connection is enabled in the configuration of the Database object by the Reserved browser connections parameter.

Note: A transactional connection that has a Normal status is suspicious.
If it is inactive for a longer time (Idle), it is an uncommitted transaction that do nothing (and potentially blocks other connections). If it is active for a longer time (Busy), this is a long-running database action that should be analyzed and ideally optimized (to shorten its duration).


The number of handles within the connection. Handles are created by the actions DB_CONNECT, PG_CONNECT, SQL_CONNECT, the action DB_TRANS_OPEN, and in transactional mode by every database action until the DB_TRANS_COMMIT or DB_TRANS_ROLLBACK is called.

WD Expired

If the connection is in a Busy state, then the number of times the watchdog interval has elapsed. This is 60 seconds by default, it can be set with the start parameter /KD.
