Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • X10 - Input 10, interpreted as a BIT (default)
  • D0 - Data register 0, interpreted as a WORD (default)
  • M12, WORD - Internal relays 12-27, interpreted as a WORD
  • M#12, WORD - Internal relays 18-33 (0x12=18), interpreted as a WORD
  • D4, REAL - Data registers 4 and 5, interpreted as REAL
  • Y10, BIT, 20 - Inputs 10-29, interpreted as BIT (default), assigned to 20 items of the Destination column
  • D4, REAL, 10 - Data registers 4-23, each couple interpreted as REAL, assigned to 10 items of the Destination column
  • D4, WORD, 10 - Data register 4-13, interpreted as WORD, assigned to 10 items of the Destination column
  • R1000, , 3 - File registers 1000-1003, interpreted as WORD (default), assigned to 3 items of the Destination column
