Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Item nameDescription
IsFile@TRUE - in case of a file, @FALSE - in case of a directory.
CreateTimeThe time when the file or directory was created.
AccessTimeTime of the last access to the file (writing or reading).
ModifyTimeTime of the last file modification.
SizeFile size in bytes.
AttribsFile attributes.

The parameter Attribs contains file (directory) attributes, so as they were returned by an operating system. The following table contains the list of the attributes and their values from the file winnt.h.



Item nameDescription
NameLine name. Name is entered by the D2000 system user (configurator) - the name of a line to be tracked.
StatusLine status (True / False).
StatusTimeRelative time from last line status change.
In systems with redundant application servers, the Name can be of the form KernelName::LineName (e.g. MesA::L.Something).
For communication processes in active-active instance mode, the Name can be in the form [Instance]_LineName (e.g. [2]_L.Something).
StatusLine status (True / False).
StatusTimeRelative time from last line status change.
BytesInBytesInThe number of received bits on the line from the start of process D2000 KOM or from the time when the data are set to zero by using the Tell command RESETPERF.
BytesOutThe number of sent bits on the line from the start of process D2000 KOM or from the time when the data are set to zero by using the Tell command RESETPERF.
FramesInThe number of received datagrams/packets on the line from the start of process D2000 KOM or the time when the data are set to zero by using the Tell command RESETPERF.
FramesOutThe number of sent datagrams/packets on the line from the start of process D2000 KOM or the time when the data are set to zero by using the Tell command RESETPERF.
RetryErrorThe number of datagram request retry error (no response) on the line from the start of process D2000 KOM or the time when the data are set to zero by using the Tell command RESETPERF.
LastErrorTimeLast line error time.
LastErrorTextLast line error report.
ChangesThe number of changes of I/O tags on the line that were sent to process D2000 Server during the last 10-second period.
ChangesTotalThe total number of changes of I/O tags on the line that were sent to process D2000 Server from the start of process D2000 KOM or the time when the data are set to zero by using the Tell command RESETPERF.
StationsNumberThe number of stations on the line.


Item nameDescription
NameStation name. The Name is entered by D2000 system user (configurator) - the name of a station to be tracked.
In systems with redundant application servers, the Name can be of the form KernelName::StationName (e.g. MesA::B.Something).
For communication processes in active-active instance mode, the Name can be in the form [Instance]_StationName (e.g. [2]_B.Something).
FramesInThe number of received datagrams/packets on the station from the start of process D2000 KOM or the time when the data are set to zero using the Tell command RESETPERF.
FramesOutThe number of sent datagrams/packets on the station from the start of process D2000 KOM or the time when the data are set to zero using the Tell command RESETPERF.
LastCommActivityTime of last communication with the station (e.g. data reading time in the communication of request/response type).
LastTimeSynchroTime of the real-time station synchronization.
LastErrorTimeLast station error time.
LastErrorTextLast station error report.
ChangesThe number of changes of I/O tags on the station that were sent to the D2000 Server process during the last 10-second period.
ChangesTotalThe total number of changes of I/O tags on the station that were sent to the process D2000 Server from the start of process D2000 KOM or the time when the data are set to zero by using the Tell command RESETPERF.
WaitReqNumberThe number of station communication requests postponed.
PointsNumberThe number of I/O tags on the station.
