Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  1. Optional step (if the default name Ipesoft.D2000.OPCSserver.opcserver is not acceptable): copy opcserver.exe under a different name (e.g. myprogram.exe). The copied program should be located in the same subdirectory (bin or bin64) of the D2000 installation directory as the original opcserver.exe.

  2. Starting the OPC server registration: starting the program with the parameter -RegServer e.g.
    opcserver.exe -RegServer
    or, if step 1 has been performed, running the copied program, e.g.
    myprogram.exe -RegServer

  3. It is now possible to run the Windows utility dcomcnfg (Component Services) and verify that the Ipesoft D2000 OPC Server is registered (selected item in the image):

  4. Then continue creating the D2000 user, which is described in the Configuration chapter.
