Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


  • Configuration of ODBC connections in Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator (or TNS items in case of using Oracle database and Oracle-specific Dbmanager_ora process).
  • Configuration of objects of type Database and Table in D2000 Cnf.
  • Creation of ESL or Java scripts for performing automated activities (data pumps and the like, or server scripts that contain procedures that can be called from other scripts or from visualization).
  • Visualization - creation of schemes (pictures) containing Browser objects to display data from databases, creation of application logic (script within the scheme).

Other topics:

  • Creating an application for multiple languages - working with the Dictionary: in the configuration of descriptions, static texts, and other text parameters of many types of D2000 objects, the syntax {!Key_name} can be used, where Key_name is the name of the key in the Dictionary. For individual users, it is possible to set the selected language and all keys will be translated according to the definition in the Dictionary.