Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


The configuration dialog box of I/O tags consists of several parts (tabs) that contain similar parameters. The display of particular tabs depends on the category of the particular I/O tag.

General properties
Process alarms
Output control
Default value


Process alarms


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Time delay (in seconds) for the evaluation of process alarm. Process alarm is raised, if a the cause of raising the alarm is valid at least during this period.
Note: the time delay is applied only to status alarms - transition alarms occur immediately when the value is changed.


All parameters which are to be processed (e.g. limit setting) are applied according to the setting of the I/O tag where the destination column is configured (i.e. "master" I/O tag). The timestamps of the values inserted into the column of a structured variable are identical to the timestamp of a "master" I/O tag. The value of the "master" I/O tag and its behavior is normal, and it is not influenced byt by the configuration of the destination column.


I/O tag address. The address type depends on the communication protocol of the station, which is the parent of a particular I/O tag. The address is stored in the configuration database in a text form. A specific communication protocol converts this address into a binary form. For internal communication protocols of the D2000 system, a protocol-dependent dialog box with the validity check of a specified address is used during the I/O tag address configuration. For external communication protocols (OEM Protocol 1 up to OEM Protocol 16) of the D2000 system, the address is entered directly in text form.

During the saving of the I/O tag configuration, the uniqueness of its address is tested. If the address of the I/O tag is not unique (within a parent station), the system will inform you about the error.
kolizna adresaImage Removed
kolizna adresaImage Added

By choosing the option Yes, a new CNF dialog window opens. Only I/O tags with conflicting addresses sharing a common parent are displayed in this window. The user can (but does not have to) change the address of these I/O tags.
merane body s rovnakou adresouImage Removed
merane body s rovnakou adresouImage Added

Minute correction


Using the following group of parameters allows for defining a filtering method of analog inputs and outputs -  Ai, Ao, Ci, Co, TiR, ToR.


Weighed first-order filter.

  • Value- value after filtering
  • New - filtered value
  • Old - previous value
  • K - the weight of the new value - a real number from the interval (0.0 .. 1.0).

The Repeat Parameter: This parameter provides compatible weighted filter behavior for change-based and server protocols (IEC-60870-5-101, IEC-60870-5-104, Modbus Server, TG809, BACnet, OPC, OPC UA ...). If a positive value of the Repeat parameter is specified, it determines the period of repeated generation of the value received by the I/O tag - similar to when the same value is repeatedly retrieved for periodically polling protocols (e.g. Modbus Client). So, if a one-time change of the I/O tag value occurs, the weighted filter will gradually progress towards toward the target value by repeating this value.


Conversion typeConversion formula
LinearOutput = A * Input + B
PolynomialOutput = A * Inputn *B x Input + C
Pt 100
Output =Image RemovedImage Added

a = -5.802E-05
b = 0.390802

Simatic S5Time
Conversion of the Siemens Simatic relative time structure.
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A, B, C, n - conversion constants


The start value is saved in text form. Then it is converted to a corresponding value type and it is set as the value of the I/O tag. If it is not entered or the conversion has not been successful, the initialization of output I/O tags' values is not performed.

Start value checkout Image Removed Image Added

The button Start value checkout (Image RemovedImage Added) checks the defined start value and reports failure if the conversion is not successful.


  • Value - I/O tag with its own value acquired from the communication. Writing a new value of the I/O tag into a particular device is accompanied by a transient state. The new value is confirmed after the communication verifies the writing.
  • Command - Output I/O tag, that may not have its own value (cannot acquire it by means of the communication with a particular device). A new value written into the device does not go through the transient state. Control windows in the the D2000 HI process also allow writing the same value several times (e.g. enabled ON and OFF buttons at the same time - unlike the value output tags where only the button of the opposite value than the current one is enabled).


Default value verification Image Removed Image Added

The Default value verification (Image RemovedImage Added) button will verify entered default value and if is not valid, the system will display the report on it.


The tab Verification allows setting confirmation for writing the output (verified) I/O tag using an input object (verifying). The verifying object can be an object of I/O tag, Switch, or other types (e.g. Eval tag). For the I/O tag with enabled verification to be written successfully, it is not enough to send a value to the communication (and receiving receive the confirmation of successful writing from the partner station, if the communication protocol allows it), but a value of the verifying object must be received, that confirms the writing.
Verification is useful if the D2000 system is part of a distributed control system (e.g. in energetics), where successful writing of an I/O tag (e.g. setting the setpoint for the generator output) doesn't mean that the real value was changed to a required value (the generator can be in the manual mode with the regulator disconnected, so the setpoint change of the regulator does not have any effect on the generator output). Only after a new value of the I/O tag which represents the real value of the generator output, if it is the same (with the Delta tolerance) as the value set, means that writing was successful.


Delta is a percent of range (the range is the difference between the high and low limits of the verified object, i.e. HL - LL ). If the limits are defined dynamically and they are crossed, verification is evaluated according to the last valid Delta.

Follow the verifying object value

If this option is active, the output I/O tag copies the value of the verifying object (but without performing writes in the communication). It is thus possible to ensure e.g. initialization after the start or controlling from the scheme by entering changes relative to the current value (e.g. +/- buttons on the scheme).

titleRelated pages:

I/O tags
I/O tags - processing a value acquired from the communication
IO tags - values
