Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


The system will assign the value from the Value option to a particular I/O tag , when its value belongs in <Value-Range ....Value+Range> interval (this option is used to suppress the "noise" of I/O tag value)


Allows rounding the value time to the closest time with a defined period (parameters Hours, Minutes, and Seconds).




Logical The logical polarity of the I/O tag is adjusted for digital I/O tags - Di, Dout.


An I/O tag (or Eval tag, Switch, ...), the value of which is the reaction to writing to the verified output I/O tag.


A number that determines the permitted deviation of the values of the verified output I/O tag and the verifying object. If the absolute value of the value difference is smaller or equal to Delta, the writing is successfully confirmed (Abs(Out-In)<Delta, details for various type combination combinations are shown in the table above). For I/O tags of TxtO type (text output), the parameter is not used.
