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Item nameDescription
NameName of a process of D2000 Archiv type.
PendingDbRequestNumber The number of waiting write requests for archive database.
PendingStatReqestNumber The number of waiting requests for the statistical archive.
PerformedDbRequestNumber The number of performed write requests for archive database per second.
PerformedCalcRequestNumber The number of performed statistic calculation calculations per second.
TotalItemsInCacheNumber The number of items in an internal archive cache.
CacheEffectivityCache usage in % (if it is 100% the system does not need to read source data from disk in evaluating statistical historical values - the data are in the memory).
Database size [MB].
If TRUE, then at least one of the datafiles is able to enlarge (for ORACLE databases only).
for Sybase: Free disk space
for Oracle: Free space in existing datafiles
PendingClearRequestNumber The number of waiting requests for deleting old data from the archive database.
ActiveTrue - the instance of D2000 Archiv is active.
False - the instance of D2000 Archiv is not active.
LatestCommandDescription of the last executed command – a database request or statistics evaluation request in the process D2000 Archiv.
DataSizefor Sybase: DataSize = DatabaseSize
for Oracle: DataSize = DatabaseSize - FreeSpace
ReadyTrue - the instance of D2000 Archiv is ready (the initial recalc has been executed). It may become active.
False - the instance of D2000 Archiv is not ready.


Item nameDescription
NameName of process EDA Server.
DatabaseTaskCountNumber The number of database connections to DBS Oracle.
WorkerTasksCountNumber The number of computing threads of the EDA Server.
clientsCountNumber The number of connected clients.
triggersCountNumber The number of connected triggers.
gcTotalBlocksNumber The number of pre-allocated data blocks of the global cache.
gcTotalVectorsNumber The number of pre-allocated vector definitions of the global cache.
gcTotalGroupsNumber The number of pre-allocated group definitions of the global cache.
gcTotalScenariosNumber The number of pre-allocated scenario definitions of the global cache.
gcUsedBlocksNumber The number of used data blocks of the global cache.
gcUsedVectorsNumber The number of used vector definitions of the global cache.
gcUsedGroupsNumber The number of used group definitions of the global cache.
gcUsedScenariosNumber The number of used scenario definitions of the global cache.
ccTotalBlocksNumber The number of pre-allocated data blocks of the client cache.
ccTotalVectorsNumber The number of pre-allocated vector definitions of the client cache.
ccTotalGroupsNumber The number of pre-allocated group definitions of the client cache.
ccTotalScenariosNumber The number of pre-allocated scenario definitions of the client cache.
ccUsedBlocksNumber The number of used data block blocks of the client cache.
ccUsedVectorsNumber The number of used vector definitions of the client cache.
ccUsedGroupsNumber The number of used group definitions of the client cache.
ccUsedScenariosNumber The number of used scenario definitions of the client cache.
lpqLengthLength of message queue with a lower priority.
npqLengthLength of message queue with a normal priority.
ipqLengthLength of message queue with an internal priority.
lpqMsgsNumber The number of processed messages with a lower priority.
lpqAvgWaitTimeAverage An average wait time of the message in a queue with a lower priority.
lpqMaxLengthMaximum The maximum length of a queue with a lower priority.
npqMsgsNumber The number of processed messages with a normal priority.
npqAvgWaitTimeAverage The average wait time of a message in a queue with a normal priority.
npqMaxLengthMaximum The maximum length of a queue with a normal priority.
ipqMsgsNumber The number of processed messages with an internal priority.
ipqAvgWaitTimeAverage The average wait time of a message in a queue with an internal priority.
ipqMaxLengthMaximum The maximum length of a queue with an internal priority.
transTimeTime spent on transactions for EDA Server synchronization.
transCountNumber The number of transactions for EDA Server synchronization.
triggerTransTimeTime spent on transactions for EDA Server synchronization from a trigger.
triggerTransCountNumber The number of transactions for EDA Server synchronization from a trigger.
msgProcessingTimeTime spent on processing messages.
processedMsgCountNumber The number of processed messages.
statementExecTimeTime spent on processing EDA-L commands.
statementExecCountNumber The number of executed EDA-L commands.
compilationTimeTime spent on of EDA-L compilations.
compilationCountNumber The number of EDA-L compilations.
descVectorCalcTimeTime spent on the calculation of descriptive vectors.
descVectorCalcCountNumber The number of calculation calculations of descriptive vectors.
archiveTransTimeTime spent on transactions with the archive.
archiveTransCountNumber The number of transactions with the archive.
dbTaskRequestWaitTime spent on waiting for triggera database thread.
dbTaskRequestCountNumber The number of task requests for triggera database thread.
dbActionsTimeTime spent on database actions.
dbActionsCountNumber The number of database actions.
sqlActionsTime Time spent on executing SQL commands.
sqlActionsCountNumber The number of executed SQL commands.
cCacheMissCountNumber The number of queries on client cache which do not contain data.
cCacheHitCountNumber The number of queries on client cache which contains data.
ncCacheFullCountNumber The number of attempts to write to the full client cache.
cCacheBypassCountNumber The number of attempts to write to the client cache of entities that have temporary flag the "non-cacheable" temporary flag.
cCacheNoncacheableCountNumber The number of non-cacheable access to the client cache.
gCacheMissCountNumber The number of queries to global cache, which do not contain data.
gCacheHitCountNumber The number of queries to global cache, which contains data.
gCacheFullCountNumber The number of attempts to write to the full global cache.
gCacheBypassCountNumber The number of attempts to write to the global cache of entities, that have temporary flag the "non-cacheable" temporary flag.
gCacheNoncacheableCountNumber The number of non-cacheable access to the global cache.

