Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Communication in D2000 is handled by the D2000 KOM process. The latter has as children communication lines (serial, TCP, UDP, OPC, file, etc.), these have children communication stations (on which the communication protocol is defined) and communication stations have children measured points (we call them I/O tags).



Communication tuning: on the same configuration tab as the line category is set, it is also possible to set Communication tracing - to the disk or to the screen (the process screen can be displayed with the D2000 System Console tool.

titleAdvanced tips
  • The KOM process is able to start and function even without a connection to the D2000 Server (KOM Archive mode). In this mode, it works with the last known configuration and saves the values obtained from the communication to the disk and sends them to the D2000 Server (where they are archived) after the connection is restored. This mode is useful for remote KOM processes located on communication servers close to the technology - in case of loss of connectivity to the D2000 Server, historical data will not be lost.
  • The Generic User Protocol is intended for the implementation of simple protocols in ESL script (see links to blogs in the protocol documentation).
  • Custom protocols can be integrated into the KOM process as dynamic libraries (dll on Windows, so on Linux). The D2000 KomAPI interface is available for developing your own protocols.