Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


Line categoryFunctioning line

The LonWorks dynamic library (ldv32.dll) was initialized and the specialized LON device could be opened.

MOXA IP Serial Library

The Moxa dynamic library (Ipserial.dll) was initialized, a connection to the specified Moxa devices was established , and specified serial port parameters were setwere set.

RFC2217 Client

A TCP connection with the RFC2217 server was established and possibly the parameters of the serial port were queried.

Serial Line Redundant
System&Line Redundant

The serial port was open and the required serial port parameters were set.

SerialOverUDP Device Redundant
SerialOverUDP Line Redundant
SerialOverUDP System&Line Redundant

Binding to the specified local UDP port(s) was successful.

TCP/IP-TCP Redundant

A TCP connection was established (client protocols), resp. binding to the specified local TCP port(s) was successful (server protocols).


Binding to the specified local UDP port was successful.


Object value of category Communication lines can have set also the flags (user attributes) set. Currently, they are implemented for the following combinations of line categories and communication protocols:

titleRelated pages:

Communication lines
