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This section allows you to set parameters for writing.

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Write type - the type of writing. IEC-61850 defines 4 write models (IEC 61850-7-2):

  • Direct control with normal security: services Operate, TimeActivatedOperate, Cancel
  • SBO control with normal security (SBO): services Select, Cancel, Operate, TimeActivatedOperate
  • Direct control with enhanced security: services Operate, Cancel, TimeActivatedOperate
  • SBO control with enhanced security (SBOw): services SelectWithValue, Cancel, Operate, TimeActivatedOperate

The following options are available:

  • Simple - simple, standard write
  • SBOw: Select (SBO) - the first phase (Select) of the two-phase writing model "Select Before Operate With Normal Security" - reading the text variable $SBO (e.g. Obj3CSWI2$CO$Pos$SBO)
  • SelectWithValue (SBOw Enhanced Security) - the first phase (SelectSelectWithValue) of the two-phase writing model "Select Before Operate With Enhanced Security" - writing to the item $ctlVal item (and others) of the $SBOw control structure $SBOw (e.g. Obj3CSWI2$CO$Pos$SBOw) which contains the items $ctlVal, $origin$orCat, $origin$orIdent, $ctlNum, $T, $Test, $Check, and optionally $operTm (support for TimeActivatedOperate).
  • Operate (*) - the Operate phase in all models - SBOw: Operate (Select Before Operate With Enhanced Security) -  the second phase (Operate) of the two-phase writing to the $ctlVal item (and others) of the $Oper control structure (e.g. Obj3CSWI2$CO$Pos$Oper) which contains the items $ctlVal, $origin$orCat, $origin$orIdent, $ctlNum, $T, $Test, $Check, and optionally $operTm.
  • Cancel (*SBOw: Cancel (Select Before Operate With Enhanced Security) - the cancellation of the write writing in all models after the 1st phase (Select/SelectWithValue) by writing to the $ctlVal item of the $Cancel control structure (e.g. Obj3CSWI2$CO$Pos$Cancel) which contains the items $ctlVal, $origin$orCat, $origin$orIdent, $ctlNum, $T, $Test, $Check, and optionally $operTm.
  • TimeActivatedOperate (*) - similar to the Operate phase in all models, but a non-zero value is also written to the $operTm item, which causes the operation to be performed at the scheduled time (if Cancel is not performed by then).

The following write parameters do not apply to the Simple write but only to SBOwtype.

Synchro Check - setting the appropriate bit in the $Check item for the SelectSelectWithValue/Operate phase of SBOw/TimeActivatedOperate write types.

Interlock Check - setting the appropriate bit in the $Check item for the SelectSelectWithValue/Operate phase of SBOw/TimeActivatedOperate write types.

Test - the value written to $Test item (True/False) for the SelectSelectWithValue/Operate phase of SBOw/TimeActivatedOperate/Cancel write types.

Time - if the option is checked, the time of the written value is written into the $T item (otherwise zero time) for the SelectWithValue/Operate/TimeActivatedOperate/Cancel write types.

OperTm - if the option is checked, the optional item $operTm is also written to (the value 0 is written) for the Select/Operate phase of SBOw (otherwise zero time SelectWithValue/Operate/Cancel write types. The $operTm item is always written for the TimeActivatedOperate write type (time of the written value).

