Porovnávané verzie


  • Tento riadok sa pridal
  • Riadok je odstránený.
  • Formátovanie sa zmenilo.


This section allows you to set parameters for writing.

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Write type - the type of writing:

  • Simple - simple, standard write
  • SBOw: Select (Select Before Operate With Enhanced Security) - the first phase (Select) of the two-phase writing to the $ctlVal item of the $SBOw control structure (e.g. Obj3CSWI2$CO$Pos$SBOw) which contains the items $ctlVal, $origin$orCat, $origin$orIdent, $ctlNum, $T, $Test, $Check. 
  • SBOw: Operate (Select Before Operate With Enhanced Security) -  the second phase (Operate) of the two-phase writing to the $ctlVal item of the $Oper control structure (e.g. Obj3CSWI2$CO$Pos$Oper) which contains the items $ctlVal, $origin$orCat, $origin$orIdent,
  • SBOw: Cancel (Select Before Operate With Enhanced Security) - the cancellation of the write after the 1st phase (Select) by writing to the $ctlVal item of the $Cancel control structure (e.g. Obj3CSWI2$CO$Pos$Cancel) which contains the items $ctlVal, $origin$orCat, $origin$orIdent, $ctlNum, $T, $Test, $Check.
