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This scheme script provides example how to handle drag and drop operation in tree view. ; Scheme contains one tree with multiple nodes that can manipulated by drag and drop. ; Text nodes can be added if user drag some text or files into its tree structure. ; Tree is also source of texts, that can be dragged away into text editor or other applications supporting drag and drop. ; This is just an example script, that do not cover all cases of drag and drop operation. ; For using in production environment you should test it and add some features as: ; - removing dragged tree node properly in tree_OnDragEnd ; - ... ; Author: Adam Bella ; -- constants -- INT _BACK_COLOR = %MakeRGB(200, 200, 200) ;this color is set as standard background color of tree INT _DND_COLOR = %MakeRGB(200, 230, 230) ;this color is set as backgrounf color of tree if drag and drop operation if procceeding INT _DND_HANDLE = 0 ; standard handle to drag and drop ; constant determinating type of drag and drop operation INT _DROP_END_NONE = 0 INT _DROP_END_COPY = 1 INT _DROP_END_MOVE = 2 INT _DROP_END_SHORTCUT = 3 ; constant determining where to insert new node INT _INSERT_AT_END = 0 INT _INSERT_AT_BEGINING = -1 ; some three constnats INT _ROOT_PARENT = 0 INT _ROOT_ITEM = 1 INT _PARENT_POS_INDEX = 1 ; position where custom data are inserted into node ; -- globals -- INT _node_indexer ; hold index value of last added node in tree PROCEDURE InitTree ; make some initialization in tree ; add few nodes as an exapmle INT _parent INT _itemID _node_indexer := 1 %HI_SetBackColor(_tree, _BACK_COLOR) _parent := _ROOT_PARENT _itemID := _node_indexer _node_indexer := _node_indexer + 1 %HI_AddTreeItem(_tree, "/", _parent, _itemID, _INSERT_AT_END) %HI_SetItemData(_tree, _itemID, _PARENT_POS_INDEX, _parent) %HI_ExpandItem(_tree, _parent, @TRUE) _parent := _ROOT_ITEM _itemID := _node_indexer _node_indexer := _node_indexer + 1 %HI_AddTreeItem(_tree, "C:", _parent, _itemID, _INSERT_AT_END) %HI_SetItemData(_tree, _itemID, _PARENT_POS_INDEX, _parent) %HI_ExpandItem(_tree, _parent, @TRUE) _parent := _ROOT_ITEM _itemID := _node_indexer _node_indexer := _node_indexer + 1 %HI_AddTreeItem(_tree, "D:", _parent, _itemID, _INSERT_AT_END) %HI_SetItemData(_tree, _itemID, _PARENT_POS_INDEX, _parent) %HI_ExpandItem(_tree, _parent, @TRUE) END InitTree ; ----------------- ; -- SOURCE SIDE -- ; ----------------- ; tree_OnDragStart ENTRY tree_OnDragStart ; tell system if some data can be dragged from this tree by calling HI_DoDragDrop ; get seelcted node INT _selectedNode = %HI_GetSelectedItem(_tree) ; get text value from node for drag operation TEXT _dragingValue = %HI_GetItemText(_tree, _selectedNode) ; set text value into dnd buffer %SetDragDataText(_DND_HANDLE, _dragingValue) ; notify system that drag operation should begins ;- do not forget call this procedure, otherwise no drag and drop will be performed! %HI_DoDragDrop(_tree) END tree_OnDragStart ; tree_OnDragEnd ENTRY tree_OnDragEnd (IN INT _operationType) ; if type of operation is 'moving' than it is responsibility of this entry to delete source of dragging value ; !!! CAUTION - this script do not remove nodes properly in all cases, for example if draging node has some childs, they are removed too ; for using in production environment programmer should add some others checks of dragged nodes and remove it from the tree properly! IF _operationType # _DROP_END_MOVE THEN RETURN ENDIF ; get selectet node = dragged node INT _draggedNode = %HI_GetSelectedItem(_tree) ; detele it from tree IF _draggedNode\VLD THEN %HI_DeleteItem(_tree, _draggedNode, @TRUE); ENDIF END tree_OnDragEnd ; ----------------- ; -- TARGET SIDE -- ; ----------------- ; tree_OnDragEnter ENTRY tree_OnDragEnter(BOOL _bAllow) ; check what kind of data are dragging into this tree and dtermine if it can be dragged there ; this tree support: ; - text data ; - fele list data ; no IPS data type are supported by this script IF %IsDragData(_DND_HANDLE, _CF_IPS) THEN _bAllow := @FALSE RETURN ENDIF %HI_SetBackColor(_tree, _DND_COLOR) _bAllow := @TRUE END tree_OnDragEnter ; tree_OnDragOver ENTRY tree_OnDragOver(BOOL _bAllow) ; check if dragging data can be over this position IF %IsDragData(_DND_HANDLE, _CF_IPS) THEN _bAllow := @FALSE RETURN ENDIF _bAllow := @TRUE END tree_OnDragOver ; tree_OnDragLeave ENTRY tree_OnDragLeave ; user cancel dragging operation or move mouse elsewhere %HI_SetBackColor(_tree, _BACK_COLOR) END tree_OnDragLeave ; tree_OnDrop ENTRY tree_OnDrop ; user drop data into this tree, so it has to be processed and ; state of nodes has to be updated BOOL _result INT _parentNode, _node, _insertAtPosition INT _node1, _node2 ; check position where user drop data _result := %HI_TVQueryDnDItem (_tree, _node1, _node2) IF _node1\VLD THEN IF _node2\VLD THEN IF _node1 = _node2 THEN ; drop exactly at node - add new node as a child _parentNode := _node1 _insertAtPosition := _INSERT_AT_END ELSE ; drop between node1 and node2 - add above node2 at its level _parentNode := %HI_GetItemData(_tree, _node2, _PARENT_POS_INDEX) _insertAtPosition := _node1 ENDIF ELSE ; drop below node1 _parentNode := %HI_GetItemData(_tree, _node1, _PARENT_POS_INDEX) _insertAtPosition := _INSERT_AT_END ENDIF ELSE IF _node2\VLD THEN ; drop above node2 _parentNode := %HI_GetItemData(_tree, _node2, _PARENT_POS_INDEX) _insertAtPosition := _INSERT_AT_BEGINING ELSE ; drop outside of three items ; just return and make no insert operation RETURN ENDIF ENDIF ;insert data into retrieved position to the tree according to type of data IF %IsDragData(_DND_HANDLE, _CF_TEXT) THEN ; if dragging text add new text node TEXT _droppingText = %GetDragDataText(_DND_HANDLE) %HI_AddTreeItem(_tree, _droppingText, _parentNode, _node_indexer, _insertAtPosition) %HI_SetItemData(_tree, _node_indexer, _PARENT_POS_INDEX, _parentNode) %HI_ExpandItem(_tree, _parentNode, @TRUE) _node_indexer := _node_indexer + 1 ELSIF %IsDragData(_DND_HANDLE, _CF_FILELIST) THEN ; if dragging file list, for each file add new node with its name RECORD NOALIAS (SD.FileList) _flist %GetDragDataFileList(_DND_HANDLE, _flist^fileName) INT _i FOR _i RANGE _flist DO_LOOP ; item of file list contain full path to the dragged file ; but I will insert to the tree just the filename INT _fileDirLevel = %GetStrItemsCount(_flist[_i]^fileName, "\") TEXT _lastNode = %GetStrItem(_flist[_i]^fileName, _fileDirLevel, "\") %HI_AddTreeItem(_tree, _lastNode, _parentNode, _node_indexer, _insertAtPosition) %HI_SetItemData(_tree, _node_indexer, _PARENT_POS_INDEX, _parentNode) %HI_ExpandItem(_tree, _parentNode, @TRUE) _node_indexer := _node_indexer + 1 END_LOOP ENDIF %HI_SetBackColor(_tree, _BACK_COLOR) END tree_OnDrop BEGIN CALL InitTree END]]></script> <scriptRemote/> </tScriptDef_Full> </CFGRECORDS> <MEMBEROFRESGROUP> <member>Home_admin\B2AA0C07C6CCCB40B1BB0AFE42FF05F9</member> </MEMBEROFRESGROUP> <CRC>ddcca38607cfe9be9a79b3925e8e3fdb</CRC> <OBJLIFELOGS> <tObjLifeLogData> <name>S.DnD_example</name> <state>OLA_CHANGED</state> <modify_time>24.10.2013 09:19:04.531</modify_time> <user_name>admin</user_name> <process_name>WS1ABEL1.GRE</process_name> <computer_name>WS1ABEL1</computer_name> <log_type>OLT_CONFIG</log_type> <comment_text/> </tObjLifeLogData> <tObjLifeLogData> <name>S.DnD_example</name> <state>OLA_CHANGED</state> <modify_time>24.10.2013 09:19:39.169</modify_time> <user_name>admin</user_name> <process_name>WS1ABEL1.GRE</process_name> <computer_name>WS1ABEL1</computer_name> <log_type>OLT_CONFIG</log_type> <comment_text/> </tObjLifeLogData> <tObjLifeLogData> <name>S.DnD_example</name> <state>OLA_CHANGED</state> <modify_time>24.10.2013 09:20:05.397</modify_time> <user_name>admin</user_name> <process_name>WS1ABEL1.GRE</process_name> <computer_name>WS1ABEL1</computer_name> <log_type>OLT_CONFIG</log_type> <comment_text/> </tObjLifeLogData> <tObjLifeLogData> <name>S.DnD_example</name> <state>OLA_CHANGED</state> <modify_time>24.10.2013 09:20:40.763</modify_time> <user_name>admin</user_name> <process_name>WS1ABEL1.GRE</process_name> <computer_name>WS1ABEL1</computer_name> <log_type>OLT_CONFIG</log_type> <comment_text/> </tObjLifeLogData> <tObjLifeLogData> <name>S.DnD_example</name> <state>OLA_CHANGED</state> <modify_time>24.10.2013 09:24:54.097</modify_time> <user_name>admin</user_name> <process_name>WS1ABEL1.GRE</process_name> <computer_name>WS1ABEL1</computer_name> <log_type>OLT_CONFIG</log_type> <comment_text/> </tObjLifeLogData> <tObjLifeLogData> <name>S.DnD_example</name> <state>OLA_CHANGED</state> <modify_time>24.10.2013 09:24:59.069</modify_time> <user_name>admin</user_name> <process_name>WS1ABEL1.GRE</process_name> <computer_name>WS1ABEL1</computer_name> <log_type>OLT_CONFIG</log_type> <comment_text/> </tObjLifeLogData> <tObjLifeLogData> <name>S.DnD_example</name> <state>OLA_CHANGED</state> <modify_time>24.10.2013 09:25:46.691</modify_time> <user_name>admin</user_name> <process_name>WS1ABEL1.GRE</process_name> <computer_name>WS1ABEL1</computer_name> <log_type>OLT_CONFIG</log_type> <comment_text/> </tObjLifeLogData> </OBJLIFELOGS> </ROOT>