%GetStTextRGB function
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INT %GetStTextRGB( HBJ in _h INT in _index BOOL in bForeground )
_h | A unique identifier of object of the Status text type. It can be acquired as attribute \HBJ. |
_index | Index into list of values with defined colors of foreground and background. |
bForeground | Required color. @TRUE - foreground color, @FALSE - background color. |
The values of parameter index can be within the range from 0 to %GetStTextRange+1 for status texts and its configuration parameter "Text usage" is set on "Values".
Zero value (0) is in accordance with the color at field LOW and the value %GetStTextRange+1 is in accordance with the color at field HIGH.
Value of index -1 gets back a predefined color.
Different value of index generates an error ERR_RANGE_ERROR. If the proper color component for required index is not defined, the function gets back the invalid value.
The following rule can be applied for really displayed color: If the color is not defined for proper index (>=1), the color with index -1 will be used.
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