XML file manipulation functions
XML file manipulation functions allow to load and save an XML document, create, read, write and delete XML elements and attributes. Function names are created by the prefix %XML_.
INT _doc _doc := %XML_CreateDocument() INT _el _el := %XML_AddElement(_doc, "element")
INT _txt
_txt := %XML_AddTextNode(_el, "element contents")
BOOL _ok
_ok := %XML_SaveDocument(_doc, "c:\document.xml")
There is created an empty XML document. The element is inserted into the document and the text is inserted into the element. Finally, the XML document is saved on the disk.
%XML file manipulation functions:
- %XML_AddCDataNode
- %XML_AddElement
- %XML_AddElementByCopy
- %XML_Add_NS_Definition
- %XML_AddProcInstruction
- %XML_AddTextNode
- %XML_Attributes
- %XML_CopyDocument
- %XML_CreateDocument
- %XML_ExportD2ObjToDocument
- %XML_FreeDocument
- %XML_FreeGrammar
- %XML_FromString
- %XML_GetAttribute
- %XML_GetElement_NS_Prefix
- %XML_GetElement_NS_URI
- %XML_GetElementText
- %XML_GetElementsByTagName
- %XML_GetLastErrorCode
- %XML_GetLastErrorMessage
- %XML_ChildNodes
- %XML_ImportD2ObjFromDocument
- %XML_Item
- %XML_Length
- %XML_Load_XSD_Grammar
- %XML_NodeName
- %XML_NodeType
- %XML_NodeValue
- %XML_OpenDocument
- %XML_RemoveAttribute
- %XML_RemoveNode
- %XML_SaveDocument
- %XML_SetAttribute
- %XML_Set_Node_NS
- %XML_SetNodeValue
- %XML_ToString
- %XML_UpdateObjects
- %XML_Validate_XSD
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