DYNAMIC_INFO | TELL command for the processes with the name *.EVH and *.HIS. This TELL command does not have any parameters. After receiving the command, the process writes, into its log file, information about: - list of all running instances of ESL scriptsFormat: ESL;ESL name ESL - text identifying the next information ESL name - script identification1 - registered text strings (GETACCESS action) Format: ACCESS;ESL name;String;time of GetAccess;bGlobal;userComment;status ACCESS - text identifying the next information XML - text identifying the next information REFOBJ - text identifying the next information DBCONNECT - text identifying the next information FIO - text identifying the next information CNT - text identifying the next information 1 - script identification: text string uniquely identifying the running ESL scrip. It contains the object name (HOBJ)[instance number] unique numerical identifier. |
SHOW_TRANS_LIST idInstance | If idInstance = 0, the command shows both the list of all instances of events that are pending to finish the transaction and the list of transactions. If idInstance <> 0, the command shows the information about the particular instance (you can find the list of instances in the dialog window ESL Diagnostic Pack or by the TASK_STATUS command). |
STATISTICS path+file | Writes data about the processor time consumption according to individual events into a file. |
STDOUT output | The command redirects the standard output to a new one. Example: |
TASK_STATUS path+filename | Writes currently executed lines of all the script running in a specified process into a file (*.EVH or *.HIS). The command also supplies the information about whether the ESL script is currently executing the external function. If yes, the file will contain the name of the function and the line number of the script calling the function. |
ON_CHANGE_INFO [idInstance] | The command writes all active ESL ON CHANGE actions within the process to the log file. If the optional idInstance parameter is specified, only the actions of the given instance of the ESL script (idInstance described in the ESL Diagnostic Pack tab Event Instances) will be listed. |
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