DP ON/OFFDebug Pipe - shows/hides the information about communication with D2000 Calc (only if the process window is displayed on the desktop).
RESET_STATISTICSResets the counters for evaluating the statistical data.
STATISTICS path+fileWrites statistical data about individual I/O tags into a file. The file contains the following information: I/O tag name, number of recalculations and number of new values broadcasted into the system. The counters are reset while starting the process D2000 Calc or using the command RESET_STATISTICS.
STDOUT outputThe command redirects the standard output to new one.

D2000 on OpenVMS platform: STDOUT "_TNA2:" (output is redirected to the terminal _TNA2:).
D2000 on Windows platform: STDOUT C:\output.txt (output is redirected to the file output.txt).
Note: See a note for STDOUT command for D2000 Archiv.

CALCINFO ON|OFF clcName [row]

The command is used to determine the reason for calculating the eval tag that has the Calculation method parameter set to At change or Trigger value.

The command ensures (CALCINFO ON) that into the LOG file of the process will be continually written information about the reason for the calculation of the eval tag. The CALCINFO OFF command terminates the continuous log to the LOG file. It is used for the eval tags that have the Calculation Method parameter set to At change or Trigger value.

Record in the LOG file contains:

  • the identification of the object that caused the conversion and its value
  • the output value of the eval tag that was sent to the server


clcName - the name of eval tag

row - specifies a row number for a structured eval tag. If not specified, the replacement value is 0 and all rows will be tracked.

Example (the content of LOG file):


In the LOG file, there is a record that the information is about the calculation of the calculated P.OnSec object. The value of the object changed from HOBJ=20 (VALUE IN $20). Next, the individual attributes of the input value are displayed. Output value attributes are displayed after a row containing VALUE OUT content.

GValTyp : INT (Integer)
Status : VALID
LimitStatus : INLIMIT
ProcAlarmStatus : NOALARM
ValTyp : INT
Flags : F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F
ValTime : 20.11.2017 16:39:59.000
AlarmTime : (null)
Value : 59
GValTyp : INT (Integer)
LimitStatus : INLIMIT
ProcAlarmStatus : NOALARM
ValTyp : CE
Flags : F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F
ValTime : 20.11.2017 16:39:59.001
AlarmTime : (null)
Value : 60
CHECK_DESTID_VALUES [DestId [ColIndex]] [FlagList]
The command enables to compare the values of destination columns (of structured variables), configured in the eval tags, with the values that were calculated by D2000 Calc.

When specifying the particular object of Structured variable type, for which the comparison should be done, the value of parameter DestId, or also ColIndex for the particular column, must be a non-zero. It is followed by the optional keywords from the list: Detail, Debug, Ignore_Time, ReCalc0s, ReCalc1m.
You may find the detailed information in the document Checking values of destination columns.

Note : This command is mainly used for diagnostic purposes in D2000 Systems.


It enables displaying a configuration and the current status of a particular eval tag. The eval tag is defined as an input parameter either through its ID (HOBJ) or mask. If several eval tags match the mask, the first 20 tags will be displayed. If Row parameter is different than 0, it must be the eval tag, the values of which are written to a destination column of the structured variable. For common eval tags (those that have not a destination column) the Row parameter must be 0 or not specified.

The log format is identical with the format [Calc], which is stated in the article Checking values of destination columns, Example 3.

Note: This command is mainly used for diagnostic purposes in D2000 systems.

GET_SOURCE_VALUE HOBJ Row ColIt enables the displaying of the inputs into the calculation providing they are the inputs from the structured variables.

The log format is identical with the format [DestVal] Checking values of destination columns, Example 3.

Note: This command is mainly used for diagnostic purposes in the D2000 systems.

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