This service ensures sending emails through SMTP protocol. The service is launched from D2000_EXE/bin64/smtp.exe
directory (or in case of Linux: D2000_EXE/bin64/smtp
Parameters of the command line
Parameters of the service are following:
- -c <connectionString> – binding address where process D2Connector.exe listens to incoming JAPI connections. If the JAPI connection is encrypted, there will be a path to the file with a certificate following the semicolon. If a redundancy is used, it will be possible to enter a parameter multiple times and name all connection points. Examples of parameter value:
srvapp120v:3120;certifikat.crt - -w <applicationName> – optional name of the service, implicitly SELF(.EMS -EMail Service)
- --logDir <logging directory> - optional way to logging directory, the value is implicitly set on relative way
into D2000 logging directory. If there is no directory on this relative way, it will be logged into created directory ./log
in work directory under which the process is running - --reconnectTimeout <number of seconds> - number of seconds during which the process tries to reconnect to D2Connector.exe, the implicit value is 10 seconds
Except parameters set in the command line, it is possible to configure also the JVM process itself, in which the service runs through smtp.cfg file, which must be located in the same directory - D2000_EXE/bin64/.
It is possible to define parameters using documented Jar2Exe tool. For example, activating debugging of all network communication for JVM is possible by following configuration smtp.cfg.
ESL interface for sending emails
The service publishes functionality through following ESL interface:
RPC PROCEDURE [_hTC, TC_B] OpenConnection(IN TEXT _host, IN INT _port, IN TEXT _defaultFrom, IN BOOL _enableSsl, IN TEXT _userName, IN TEXT _password, IN BOOL _disablePlainAuthenticationSend, IN TEXT _additionalProperties) RPC PROCEDURE [_hTC, TC_B] OpenConnectionFromProps(IN TEXT _properties) RPC PROCEDURE [_hTC, TC_C] SendMail(IN INT _mailId, IN TEXT _from, IN TEXT _to, IN TEXT _cc, IN TEXT _bcc, IN TEXT _subject, IN TEXT _body) RPC PROCEDURE [_hTC, TC_E] CloseConnection
This interface based on communication defined by applications. Communication is initiated by calling of RPC method OpenConnection or alternatively OpenConnectionFromProps,
by which the connection to SMTP server is initiated. By RPC method SendMail,
email is send within the given communication. The end of connection/communication is realized through RPC method CloseConnection
. All calls of methods are asynchronous. The client must implement following interface on his side, so they can be notified of the state of his calls:
RPC PROCEDURE [_hTC, TC_C] OnConnectionOpened RPC PROCEDURE [_hTC, TC_E] OnConnectionClosed(IN BOOL _closedWithError, IN TEXT _errorMessage, IN TEXT _errorDetail) RPC PROCEDURE [_hTC, TC_C] OnMailSent(IN INT _mailId) RPC PROCEDURE [_hTC, TC_C] OnMailSendingFailed(IN INT _mailId, IN TEXT _errorMessage, IN TEXT _errorDetail)
Opening of SMTP connection through OpenConnection and OpenConnectionFromProps methods
method realizes a connection to SMTP server through method parameters. Internally, email sending is realized through JavaMail library, which is configured through the set of more than 50 configuration parameters. Most of them needs to be explicitly set only in exceptional cases. That is why RPC method OpenConnection
has only the most widely-used parameters; it is possible to define the rest through parameter _additionalProperties
in .properties file format. Alternatively, it is possible to initiate SMTP connection only through these settings by OpenConnectionFromProps method through text parameter
with following content: mail.smtp.port=445 mail.smtp.from= mail.smtp.user=abc mail.smtp.password=abcPassword mail.smtp.ssl.enable=true # debugging of send emails into log mail.debug=true
Successful opening of SMTP connection through OpenConnection/OpenConnectionFromProps methods is notified by calling OnConnectionOpened method within I.SMTP_Client_v1
interface, which the client must implement. Ending of SMTP connection or its failure is notified through OnConnectionClosed
Email sending - SendMail method
SendMail method implements sending of emails. The first parameter _mailId
is marked by identifier of email which filled the client while calling SendMail
method. The client is notified of a success or a failure through OnMailSent
a OnMailSendingFailed
methods of interface I.SMTP_Client_v1
Example of using ESL interface for email sending
Following code represents the example of simple email service in an application. To send an email, it is enough to call RPC procedure SendMail. Event E.MailService internally uses communication with SELF.EMS process that holds the communication open and in the case of connection failure restores it automatically. At the same time, all not yet sent emails will be stored in the container, so no email will be thrown away. When reconnecting with SELF.EMS process, it tries to automatically send the emails again.
IMPLEMENTATION I.SMTP_Client_v1 INT _hCnt, _hTC, _nextMailId BOOL _hasTC ; After establishing connection with SMTP server, it tries to send all not yet sent emails IMPLEMENTATION RPC PROCEDURE [_hTC, TC_C] I.SMTP_Client_v1^OnConnectionOpened RECORD NOALIAS (SD.MailData) _mail INT _count, _i _hasTC := @TRUE CNT_CNVTOARRAY _hCnt CNT_GETNR _hCnt, _count FOR _i = 1 TO _count DO_LOOP CNT_GETITEM _hCnt, _i, _mail CALL Internal_SendMail(_mail) END_LOOP END OnConnectionOpened IMPLEMENTATION RPC PROCEDURE [_hTC, TC_E] I.SMTP_Client_v1^OnConnectionClosed(IN BOOL _closedWithError, IN TEXT _errorMessage, IN TEXT _errorDetail) IF _closedWithError THEN LOGEX _errorMessage ENDIF CALL [_hTC] I.SMTP_Service_v1^CloseConnection _hasTC := @FALSE END OnConnectionClosed ; When the email is sent successfully, it deletes the mail from the container IMPLEMENTATION RPC PROCEDURE [_hTC, TC_C] I.SMTP_Client_v1^OnMailSent(IN INT _mailId) CNT_DELETE _hCnt, _mailId END OnMailSent ; When the email is not sent successfully, it logs an error IMPLEMENTATION RPC PROCEDURE [_hTC, TC_C] I.SMTP_Client_v1^OnMailSendingFailed(IN INT _mailId, IN TEXT _errorMessage, IN TEXT _errorDetail) LOGEX _errorMessage END OnMailSendingFailed RPC PROCEDURE [_hTC, ERROR] OnConversationAborted _hasTC := @FALSE END OnConversationAborted ; Establishing connection with SMTP server, if it does not exist any more PROCEDURE Internal_InitConnection IF !_hasTC THEN CALL [(0)] I.SMTP_Service_v1^OpenConnection("", 25, "", @FALSE, "user", "secret", @FALSE, "") ASYNC ON SELF.EMS TC_B _hTC ENDIF END Internal_InitConnection PROCEDURE Internal_SendMail(IN RECORD NOALIAS (SD.MailData) _mail) TEXT _from _from := "" CALL [_hTC] I.SMTP_Service_v1^SendMail(_mail[1]^id, _from, _mail[1]^to, "", "", _mail[1]^subject, _mail[1]^message) ASYNC TC_C END Internal_SendMail ; When RPC is called "from outside" RPC PROCEDURE SendMail(IN TEXT _to, IN TEXT _subject, IN TEXT _message) RECORD NOALIAS (SD.MailData) _mail _mail[1]^id := _nextMailId _mail[1]^to := _to _mail[1]^subject := _subject _mail[1]^message := _message CNT_INSERT _hCnt, _mail[1]^id, _mail _nextMailId := _nextMailId + 1 CALL Internal_InitConnection IF _hasTC THEN CALL Internal_SendMail(_mail) ENDIF END SendMail ; Initial part - creation of a container and a communication BEGIN CNT_CREATE _hCnt _hasTC := @FALSE _nextMailId := 1 CALL Internal_InitConnection END
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