Each SGCom instance can publish information about its health to the D2000 structured variable SV.SGC_Process_State. One row of a structured variable always serves that instance that is identified by the same name as given in the first column of that row. If no rows contain the same name, the instance does not publish the information. The following columns are:

  1. hobj - Dynamically assigned HOBJ to the D2Session that SGCom is connected to.
  2. processName – Dynamically assigned real name assigned by the kernel to the D2Session object.
  3. hostName - The name of the computer from which SGCom is connected.
  4. upTime – Time since SGCom started. It is updated at least every 5 seconds.
  5. lastChange - The time of the last change in the given row - if it is older than 5 seconds, the process is inactive or has no connection to the central.
  6. dataStorage.collectedData.count - The count of all valid records in DataStorage.
  7. dataStorage.collectedError.count - The count of all error records in DataStorage.
  8. dataStorage.cosemObject.count – The number of all records about the meter association tables. If the meter uses the ShortName referencing method in DLMS communication, the association table contains a mapping between the logical names of COSEM objects (OBIS codes) and their short form. Their local storage shortens the time needed to establish a connection with the meters of the given type.
  9. dataStorage.mvFile.size – The size of the MV file that contains the DataStorage database.
  10. dataStorage.traceFile.size - the size of the TRACE file to the DataStorage database.
  11. taskExecutor.connectorMap.size - Number of actively serviced connections to meters.
  12. taskExecutor.deviceTasks.max – The current maximum number of tasks that are waiting to be served by one communication path. The number of connections that will need to be established to service these tasks is also added to the number.
  13. taskExecutor.connectorTasks.max - The current maximum number of tasks that are waiting to be served by a single logical device.
  14. taskExecutor.lastTask.waitTime - The current waiting time of the queued task that just started executing. This value can "jump chaotically" a lot because one variable is overwritten by the waiting lengths of all tasks from all queues. For better analysis, it is necessary to analyze its archive.

Columns 7 through 15 are archived by primary on-change archives with names derived from the column name. For example the dataStorage.mvFile.size column is archived by the H.SGC_dataStorage.mvFile.size object.

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