%GetLocalItemValue function

The function retrieves the value of the specified item of local variable of the Record type.
UNIVAL %GetLocalItemValue(
   HBJ in _localStrut, 
   INT in row, 
   INT in col
UNIVAL  %GetLocalItemValue(
   HBJ in _ident, 
   INT in row, 
   INT in col
_localStructLocal variable of the Record type.
rowRow index.
colColumn index.
_identUnique identifier of the structured local variable that is acquired by the attribute \HBJ.
The function provides an alternative method for accessing items of a local variable using row and column index. In this case, a structure is understood as a value matrix.

The following assignments:

RECORD (SD.RecordDef) _record
 _record^Text := "description"
 TEXT _text
 _text := _record^Text
 _text :=  %GetLocalItemValue(_record\HBJ, 1, 1)

get the same values.

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