D2000 OBJApi - Executive functions
The executive (and also auxiliary) functions of the interface D2000 ObjApi can be divided into two categories - synchronous and asynchronous.
The synchronous functions of the interface D2000 ObjApi work on the uniform procedure. At first, they generate a request and send it to the process D2000 Server to process it. In the second phase, they wait synchronously for a response from D2000 Server for a defined maximal wait period. This period is defined either explicitly (the functions GetArchivData, GetLogData, ListOfObjects) or implicitly, which is the same as a period given by the parameter timeout of the function ConnectKernel during the interface initialisation. This access requires that all functions must be synchronized. It implies, that if you use callings of interface synchronous functions from several threads, the callings are internally serialized by using "Mutex".
List of functions:
- ListOfObjects
- OpenObject
- CloseObject
- GetObjectValue
- GetArchivData
- GetLogData
- GetObjectId
- Command - the function is either synchronous or asynchronous according to its parameters.
The asynchronous functions - there is no second phase - they do not wait for a response from the D2000 Server. Therefore they are not mutually exclusive and the limits for the synchronous functions are not valid for them. They can be also called handlers of asynchronous messages.
List of functions:
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