Function performs the conversion of a binary representation of a 32 bit value of Real type to a value of Real type.
REAL %B4ToReal32(
INT in _b4,
INT in _b3,
INT in _b2,
INT in _b1,
binary representation of value. Bits 24 .. 31 (the most significant byte)
binary representation of value. Bits 16 .. 23
binary representation of value. Bits 8 .. 15
binary representation of value. Bits 0 .. 7 (tne least significant byte)
The conversion function implements the conversion from the binary representation of the 32 bit real number according to the IEEE 754 standard do to the REAL type value. The binary representation is expressed by _b1 to _b4 values. Values must range from 0 to 255. If the entry does not correspond to the real number according to IEEE 754 standard, the function returns an invalid value.
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