A log about all database tables with configured anonymization based on data purposes is kept in application database in the table D2000_anonymized_data.

This table is automatically created by the DBManager process in a default schema of the parent (object type Database) of every Table object type that has enabled data anonymization based on data purpose. Therefore selected database user in Database object type must have rights (GRANT CREATE TABLE) to create database tables and insert into them (GRANT INSERT).

Log about each anonymization run on every column of every database table is kept in this table. Log includes table and column name of anonymized data with the time interval and time column of anonymized data. Besides that table has information about anonymization process start time, number of affected rows, anonymization type (modication or deletion) and login (user name) of D2000 user who initiated anonymization process. In case of automated run, login is SYSTEM.

Data in this table are used by the anonymization process to identify the time intervals that have already beed anonymized to prevent repeated anonymization. Manual modification (or deletion) of data in this table might cause malfunction of the anonymization process. For application this table shoud always be read-only.



table_nameVARCHAR(64)Name of anonymized table.
column_nameVARCHAR(64)Column name of anonymized table.
time_column_nameVARCHAR(64)Time column name.
user_nameVARCHAR(64)D2000 user name (login), who started anonymization process. SYSTEM in case of automated run.
begin_timeTIMESTAMPBegin time of anonymized data.
end_timeTIMESTAMPEnd time of anonymized data.
run_timeTIMESTAMPStart time of anonymization process.
rows_countINTEGERNumber of anonymized rows.

Anonymization type:

  • R - data replace
  • D - data deletion (whole table rows)

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