%WeekOfYearStartTime function

The function returns the beginning time of the week given by the function arguments.

TIME %WeekOfYearStartTime(
   INT  in year,
   INT  in week,
   TEXT in timeZone := %GetCurrentTimeZone()

weekSerial number of the week (week begins on Monday). Serial number of the week is returned by function %WeekNr.

Name of the time zone used for conversion to local time (e.g. "Europe/London") or definition of fixed offset from UTC using format "(+|-)hh[:mi[:ss]]", where hh defines a number of hours, mi defines a number of minutes, and ss defines a number of seconds. Sign as well as a number of hours are mandatory parts of offset definition, number of minutes and seconds are optional and default to 0 (e.g. "+02:30" defines offset of 2 hours and 30 minutes from UTC). The empty text has the same meaning as function %GetCurrentTimeZone.
Note: For historical reasons, an integer parameter is also accepted. Its interpretation is as follows: 0 - zone "Europe/London", 3600 - zone "Europe/Bratislava", 7200 - zone "Europe/Kiev", 21600 - zone "Asia/Almaty". Usage of integer parameter is deprecated and generates warning into log file!

%WeekOfYearStartTime(2021, 1)   ; the result is the abs. time that determines beginning of 1st week of year of 2021 - 04.01.2021


The first week of the calendar year is the first week that contains at least four days in that calendar year.

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