After selecting New application from the menu that appears when you right-click in the tree above the Applications symbol, the following window will appear:

Application NameName of the new application
Appl. DescriptionApplication description, which can be used in printouts. 
DB Driver

Driver to access the database, supported are:

  • Sybase SQL Anywhere
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL Server
Engine Name

When the Sybase SQL Anywhere or PostgreSQL driver is selected, a menu of configured database servers is displayed

Path for executable

The path to the D2Start application, including the parameters that are given to the D2000 Server process

StartupHow to start the application:

AutomaticThe application starts up when the operating system starts

ManualThe application must be started manually through the D2SMC process

DisableApplication startup is disabled

It is only possible to change the application name and database driver when configuring a new application. If it is a modification of an existing one, these fields will be disabled.

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