Colouring of alarm records and records in the log database.

Alarm records colouring

Alarm records are coloured according to alarm value status - alarm, normal, kvit, active,...

For easier reading of alarm records, there can be defined a further combination of colours. This combination of colours can be done according to process alarm value and membership in a logical group.

More criteria for alarm records colouring exist in the system. For that reason, only chosen columns will be coloured, not a full row of records.

1. Colouring according to membership in a logical group

  • Colouring can be configured in the configuration dialog box of logical groups, background colour and text colour of the record in the logical group can be defined.
  • Only columns Name and Description are coloured.
  • Alarm records colouring will be used according to membership in the logical group.
  • If the logical group is not defined by colour then membership in the logical group does not influence the record colouring.

2. Colouring according to status texts

  • Colouring can be configured in the configuration dialog box of status texts.
  • Background colour and text colour can be defined.
  • Colours of status texts can be defined according to process alarm value (TRUE, FALSE, ...).
  • The predefined colour of the status text is set first and then colours according to the value of the defined object will be applied.
  • If the colour is not set it will not be applied.
  • All columns, except columns Name, and Description, are coloured.

Colouring of records in log database

Similar rules as rules for alarm records colouring can be used for colouring of records in the log database. But, in the log database not only alarm records are coloured but also records about the change of object value are coloured.

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