The start condition of an event (trigger, alarm start/stop conditions, ...) is defined by means of three parameters:

  1. object
  2. object value status
  3. validity of the status (normal, inverse)

Object may be an optional type (or item of object of Structured variable type) and must have a (meaningful) value.
Such defined event occurs when the value of the object (1) is in given status (2), eventually opposite status (3).

In some cases (depending on the type of object, the event is defined for), a group of objects (object of Logical group or Object group type) or object of Structured variable type (whole structure, row or column) can be defined as event object (1). The event is being generated if defined group (structure) contains at least one value matching the condition. Condition is only being evaluated on a value change.

Value states (20) depends on the type of the object used in the condition. The following table shows all value states available in D2000 systems:

Status Meaning
Value Value of @TRUE.
Err Invalid value.
InLim Value in limit.
HiLim Value above high limit  (HL ≤ object value < VHL).
LowLim Value below low limit (VLL ≤ object value < LL).
Weak Value in Weak status.
Run Process is running.
Crash Process terminated with error (incorrect termination).
Stop Process stopped correctly.
WDErr Error in communication with the process D2000 Server - Watch Dog Error (flow of Watch Dog messages between given process and the D2000 Server is interrupted).
StON Station communicates.
StOFF Station doesn't communicates. The communication has been disabled by operator (through control windows in D2000 HI) or in the station configuration in the process D2000 CNF.
StCOMERR Soft communication error. Such error occurs after a data transmission is unsuccessful.
StHARDERR Hard communication error. Such error occurs if the communication with the station is in the status StCOMERR within a time defined by the parameter Time filter. If the station value is St_HARDERR then all I/O tags of the station will pass to undefined status.
StSIMUL Communication with the station is simulated.
StWAIT The station is in AUTO mode. Communication is stopped. The control object value is @TRUE. Requests for output are postponed and they will be executed when the control object value is @FALSE.
Change Value change.
VHiLim Value above highest limit --> object value ≥ VHL
VLowLim Value bellow lowest limit  --> object value ≤ VLL
ProcAlarm Active process alarm.
ProcCritAlarm Active process alarm - critical.
Norm Condition to start alarm doesn't occur.
Alarm Condition to start alarm occurs.
Kvit Alarm acknowledged by operator.
Block Alarm blocked by operator or the option Blocked alarm checked in the alarm configuration.
UnBlock The process D2000 Alarm is not running and operator unblocks given alarm in Block status.
NoKvit Condition to stop alarm is met before the alarm is acknowledged - for acknowledge-required alarm.
NoKvitProcAlarm Process alarm unacknowledged.
NoKvitProcCritAlarm Process alarm unacknowledged - critical.
PA_NoAlarm No active process alarm.
PA_ToOn Process alarm - transition to ON level (TRUE).
PA_ToOff Process alarm - transition to OFF level (FALSE).
PA_On Process alarm - ON level (TRUE).
PA_Off Process alarm - OFF level (FALSE).
PA_Err Invalid value of process alarm.
PA_Oscillate Oscillating value of process alarm.
PA_ErrCmdOn Error in execution of the cm_SetSwitchOn command (ON).
PA_ErrCmdOff Error in execution of the cm_SetSwitchOff command (OFF).
PA_SwToTrans Process alarm - change of quadrat value into Q_Trans.
PA_SwToOn Process alarm - change of quadrat value into Q_On (TRUE).
PA_SwToOff Process alarm - change of quadrat value into Q_Off (FALSE).
PA_SwToErr Process alarm - change of quadrat value into Q_Err.
PA_SwTrans Process alarm - quadrat value is Q_Trans.
PA_SwOff Process alarm - quadrat value is Q_Off.
PA_SwOn Process alarm - quadrat value is Q_On.
PA_SwErr Process alarm - quadrat value is Q_Err.
PA_ErrZalCmdOff Error in execution of the cm_SetSwitchBkpOff command (BACKUP OFF).
PA_HL Process alarm - HL limit state of the value.
PA_VHL Process alarm - VHL limit state of the value.
PA_LL Process alarm - LL limit state of the value.
PA_VLL Process alarm - VLL limit state of the value.
PA_ToHL Process alarm - change of value into the HL limit state.
PA_ToVHL Process alarm - change of value into the VHL limit state.
PA_ToLL Process alarm - change of value into the LL limit state.
PA_ToVLL Process alarm - change of value into the VLL limit state.
PA_ErrWriteCmd Error at setting of the value of output tags.
PA_Change Process alarm - change of integer or analog value.
PA_SysPrAl Special type of process alarm used just for two objects of System variable type - SystemError and SystemWarning.

If a column of structured variable is used as object (1), the list of value types depends on the value type of the column. If the column is Object type the list is will not be filtrated (there will be shown all value states).

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