Non-linear retrieving of object color
An index of logical palette of imported file is an input parameter. The function returns the index of color from logical palette which is used in D2000 System.
function OutputColor(x:integer) return integer is c:integer:=Abs(x); w:integer:=c mod 10; odtien:integer; begin case w is when 0 => color := 4; when 1 => color := 2; when 2 => color := 5; when 3 => color := 3; when 4 => color := 7; when 5 => color := 8; when 6 => color := 9; when 7 => color := 11; when 8 => color := 14; when 9 => color := 15; when others => color := 4; end case; -- case c is when 0.. 9 => return colorTable1(color); when 10.. 39 => return CLR_RED (color); when 40.. 69 => return CLR_YELLOW (color); when 70..119 => return CLR_GREEN (color); when 120..139 => return CLR_CYAN (color); when 140..189 => return CLR_BLUE (color); when 190..229 => return CLR_PINK (color); when 230..249 => return CLR_RED (color);< when 250..255 => return colorTable2(c); when others => return CLR_BLUE(1); end case; end OutputColor;
Object - Line
Creating | : CreateObj(cLine) |
Parameters | : position |
: line color | |
: line style | |
: line width | |
: line end |
procedure Create_Line(x1,y1,x2, y2:long_float;color,linestyle,thickness:integer) is begin CreateObj(cLine); -- Set_float2 (cPosXY, x1, y1); Set_float2 (cPosXY, x2, y2); Set_integer(cLineColorIdx, color); Set_integer(cLineStyle, linestyle); Set_integer(clineWidth, thickness); -- ObjAction(closeObject); end;
Special object - Line or Disjointed multiline
This example shows how to create Line that is combined with other lines (if they have the same attributes) to one object Multiline or Disjointed multiline. It is an optimizing function to reduce the number of objects and the size of picture (too big picture can not be saved). It can be used when cross-hatching the objects in Autocad.
Creating | : CreateObj(cLineCombined) |
Parameters | : position |
: line color | |
: line style | |
: line width | |
: line end |
procedure Create_CombinedLine(x1,y1,x2, y2:long_float; color,linestyle,thickness:integer) is
begin CreateObj(cLineCombined); -- Set_float2 (cPosXY, x1, y1); Set_float2 (cPosXY, x2, y2); Set_integer(cLineColorIdx, color); Set_integer(cLineStyle, linestyle); Set_integer(clineWidth, thickness); -- ObjAction(closeObject); end;
Object - Multiline or Polygon
Creating | : CreateObj(cPLine) |
Parameters | : position |
: line color | |
: line style | |
: line width | |
: line end | |
: line join |
procedure Create_Polyline( posArr : TLong_Float_Arr; color, linestyle, thickness : integer) is pos : integer := posArr'first; begin CreateObj(cPLine); -- while pos <= posArr'last-1 loop Set_float2 (cPosXY, posArr(pos), posArr(pos+1)); pos:= pos+2;end loop; Set_integer(cLineColorIdx, color); Set_integer(cLineStyle, linestyle); Set_integer(clineWidth, 1); -- objAction(closeObject); end;
Special object - Multiline or Polygon
Creating | : CreateObj(cPLineAdd) |
Parameters | : position |
: line color | |
: line style | |
: line width | |
: line end | |
: line join |
procedure Create_PLineItem( x1, y1, x2 , y2 : long_float; color, linestyle, thickness : integer) is begin CreateObj(cPLineAdd); -- Set_float2 (cPosXY, x1, y1); Set_float2 (cPosXY, x2, y2); Set_integer(cLineColorIdx, color); Set_integer(cLineStyle, linestyle); Set_integer(clineWidth, thickness); end;
In the previous example, when creating the Multiline, all position points are known. In this example, you know only data of one line and do not know whether this is the first one. A definition means to add the parameters into the Multiline if other parameters are the same except the position ones. If the Multiline is not created when adding the parameters, then create it according to its parameters.
The lines should be end as follows:
procedure CLose_PLine is begin objAction(closeObject); end;
Object - Disjointed multiline
Creating | : CreateObj(cDLine) |
Parameters | : position |
: line color | |
: line style | |
: line width | |
: line end | |
: line join |
procedure Create_Polyline( posArr : TLong_Float_Arr; color, linestyle, thickness : integer) is pos : integer := posArr'first; begin CreateObj(cPLine); -- while pos <= posArr'last-1 loop Set_float2 (cPosXY, posArr(pos),posArr(pos+1)); pos:= pos+2; end loop; Set_integer(cLineColorIdx, color); Set_integer(cLineStyle, linestyle); Set_integer(clineWidth, 1); -- objAction(closeObject); end;
Object - Arc
Creating | : CreateObj(cArc) |
Parameters | : position |
: line color | |
: line style | |
: line width | |
: line end | |
: line join | |
: radius | |
: start angle | |
: end angle |
procedure Create_Arc(x,y,radius,stangle,endangle:long_float; color,linestyle,thickness:integer) is begin CreateObj(cArc); -- Set_float2 (cPosXY, x, y); Set_float (cCircleRadial, radius*gr_scall); Set_float (cCircleAngleRadStart, stangle); Set_float (cCircleAngleRadEnd, endangle); Set_integer(cLineColorIdx, color); Set_integer(cLineStyle, linestyle); Set_integer(clineWidth, thickness); -- objAction(closeObject); end;
Object 3-poin arc
Creating | : CreateObj(c3Arc) |
Parameters | : position |
: line color | |
: line style | |
: line width | |
: line end |
procedure Create_3Arc ( x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3:long_float; color, linestyle, thickness : integer) is begin CreateObj(cBox); -- Set_float2 (cPosXY, x1, y1); Set_float2 (cPosXY, x2, y2); Set_float2 (cPosXY, x3, y3); Set_integer(cLineColorIdx, color); Set_integer(cLineStyle, linestyle); Set_integer(clineWidth, 1); -- objAction(closeObject); end;
Object - Rectangle
Creating | : CreateObj(cBox) |
Parameters | : position |
: line color | |
: line style | |
: line width | |
: line join | |
: line color | |
: pattern |
procedure Create_Box ( x1,y1,x2,y2:long_float; color, linestyle, thickness : integer) is begin CreateObj(cBox); -- Set_float2 (cPosXY, x1, y1); Set_float2 (cPosXY, x2, y2); Set_integer(cLineColorIdx, color); Set_integer(cLineStyle, linestyle); Set_integer(clineWidth, 1); -- objAction(closeObject); end;
Object - Polygon
Creating | : CreateObj(cPAngle) |
Parameters | : position |
: line color | |
: line style | |
: line width | |
: line join | |
: fill color | |
: pattern |
procedure Create_Polygon ( posArr : TLong_Float_Arr; color, linestyle, thickness : integer) is pos : integer := posArr'first; begin CreateObj(cPAngle); -- while pos <= posArr'last-1 loop Set_float2 (cPosXY, posArr(pos),posArr(pos+1)); pos:= pos+2; end loop; Set_integer(cLineColorIdx, color); Set_integer(cLineStyle, linestyle); Set_integer(clineWidth, 1); -- objAction(closeObject); end;
Object - Circle
Creating | : CreateObj(cCircle) |
Parameters | : position |
: line color | |
: line style | |
: line width | |
: fill color | |
: pattern | |
: radius |
procedure Create_Circle(x,y,radius : long_float;color,linestyle,thickness:integer) is begin CreateObj(cCircle); -- Set_float2 (cPosXY, x, y); Set_float (cCircleRadial, radius*gr_scall); Set_integer(cLineColorIdx, color); Set_integer(cLineStyle, linestyle); Set_integer(clineWidth, thickness); -- objAction(closeObject); end;
Object - Circle sector
Creating | : CreateObj(cPiArc) |
Parameters | : position |
: line color | |
: line style | |
: line width | |
: line end | |
: fill color | |
: pattern | |
: radius | |
: start angle | |
: end angle |
procedure Create_PiArc(x,y,radius,stangle,endangle:long_float; color,linestyle,thickness:integer) is begin CreateObj(cPiArc); -- Set_float2 (cPosXY, x, y); Set_float (cCircleRadial, radius*gr_scall); Set_float (cCircleAngleRadStart, stangle); Set_float (cCircleAngleRadEnd, endangle); Set_integer(cLineColorIdx, color); Set_integer(cLineStyle, linestyle); Set_integer(clineWidth, thickness); -- objAction(closeObject); end;
Object - Ellipse
The ellipse is defined by a rectangle with two points:
Creating | : CreateObj(cElipse) |
Parameters | : position |
: line color | |
: line style | |
: line width | |
: line join | |
: fill color | |
: pattern |
procedure Create_Elipse ( x1,y1,x2,y2:long_float; color, linestyle, thickness : integer) is begin CreateObj(cElipse); -- Set_float2 (cPosXY, x1, y1); Set_float2 (cPosXY, x2, y2); Set_integer(cLineColorIdx, color); Set_integer(cLineStyle, linestyle); Set_integer(clineWidth, 1); -- objAction(closeObject); end;
Object - Text
A text starts on the defined position.
Creating | : CreateObj(cText) |
Parameters | : position |
: text color | |
: text | |
: text position | |
: alignment in rectangle |
procedure Create_Text (x,y:long_float; color:integer; text_in:string) is begin CreateObj(cText); -- Set_float2 (cPosXY, x, y); Set_integer(cTextColorIdx, color); Set_string (cTextText, text_in); -- objAction(closeObject); end;
Object - Group of objects
The Group of objects merges subsequently created object to one group (till the group is closed), i.e. the object is created, the next objects are remembered and under the direction of closeGroup or closeAll is written into the list of created objects.
Creating | : CreateObj(cGroup) |
procedure Create_Group is begin CreateObj(cGroup); end;
The lines will be closed as follows:
procedure CLose_Group is begin objAction(closeGroup); end;
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