D2000 CfgSynchro - states of object

1.  Possible states of objects and their graphical representation

State Graphical representation Description
New A new object. There is no such object in the other database with the same UID, or it may have existed there but it was deleted
Deleted The object has been deleted
Modified The object has been modified
Constant The object has not been modified

2.  All possible combinations of objects' states
(A - configuration database A, B - configuration database B)

State of A State of B Object's state description
New None A new object in A.
New Deleted The object was deleted in B. It then appears in A as a new one.
Constant Constant The object exists in both databases without a change.
Constant Modified The object exists in both databases. Time of the configuration's change in B is greater than in A. The object was modified in B.
Modified Constant The object exists in both databases. Time of the configuration's change in A is greater than in B. The object was modified in A .
Deleted None Object was created in A and was deleted afterwards.
Deleted Deleted Object was deleted in A as well as in B.
Deleted New Object was deleted in A. It then appears in B as a new one.
None New A new object in B.
None Deleted Object was created in B and was deleted afterwards.
Modified Modified The time of configuration's change is same, but a difference in * start values was detected or in state of blocking alarms,...

* During a normal run of an application changes in configuration databases are performed due to changes in properties of objects that can be done by means of process D2000 CNF as well without changing the time of object's configuration. The following table shows the list and description of these settings:

Type of object Changed property Description
Eval tag Blocking of process alarms Blocking of process alarms
I/O tag Blocking of process alarms Blocking of process alarms
Default input value
To use default input value
To control input value manually
To control output value manually
Start value
Controlling of default values
Structured variable Change of structure definition
Change of start value of any item of the structure
Switch Blocking of process alarms Blocking of process alarms
Change of default value  
User variable Change of start value  
User Password Change of password in D2000 HI process.

Note: Start values are altered when object's value changes (or the fields of a structured variable) if saving of start values is set.

3.  All possible mutual combinations of objects' states - graphical overview

It is worth pointing out to the fact that the table is symmetric by the diagonal leading from the top left-hand corner to the bottom right-hand corner.

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