%XML_AddProcInstruction function

The function adds XML element of process instruction type.
INT %XML_AddProcInstruction(
   INT in node,
   TEXT in instrName,
   TEXT in instrValue

node Handle to parent XML node.
instrName Name of process instruction.
instrValue Value of process instruction.

Return value
Handle to the added XML element.
The function adds the process instruction into the defined parent XML node. The parent node can be document or element.
 INT _doc
 _doc := %XML_CreateDocument()
 INT _pi
 _pi := %XML_AddProcInstruction(_doc, "xml-stylesheet", "type=""text/xsl"" href=""books_style.xsl""")
 ;content of XML document:
 ;<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 ;<?xml-stylesheet type="text=xsl" href="books_style.xsl"?> 

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