D2000 System Console - Debug info settings
The window, containing the settings for displaying Debug information, is opened after right-mouse clicking on the name of a server in the list of redundant groups, servers and processes and selecting the item Debug info from the open menu.
The window contains the list of debug information categories (2).
Enable/disable the filter to display debug categories. If the button is pressed, the list will contain just the categories matching the given mask (1).
Check the required category (categories) and click the button. The information about the categories will be displayed in the text console.
Clicking the button unchecks the selected categories (already
checked). Information of unchecked categories will not be displayed in the text
The input field (3) allows the user to control
(check/uncheck) a groups of debug categories, whose names contains a same
string. Enter the string and the character "+" (or none) for checking and
the character "-" for unchecking the defined categories before the string.
Example: the string
CONO.FILE* used in the figure above, checks
all debug categories, names of which begin with the string CONO.FILE.
If you enter the character "-" before the string, all the
categories will be unchecked (information of their types will not be
displayed in the text console).
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