SHOWOPC test utility

Data listing
Solving problems
Document revisions


SHOWOPC utility enables displaying the accessible OPC DA and OPC HDA servers on local or remote computer. It tests a functionality of the remote DCOM access to OPC servers.


Parameters of command line:

showopc [ComputerName|IP_Address] [-DA1|-DA2|-DA3|-HDA1] [-?]

Description of parameters:

Parameter Description
Name or IP address of the remote computer. If the parameter is not being used, the OPC servers will search on the local computer.
Required type of searched OPC servers.
DA1: OPC DA (Data Access) server 1.X specification, DA2: OPC DA 2.X (2.0-2.05A) specification, DA3: OPC DA 3.X specification, HDA1: OPC HDA (Historical Data Access) 1.20 specification.
Implicit value, if the parameter is not written, is DA2.
? Shows a brief help.

Data listing

This is an example of data listing, successfully obtained, about OPC DA 2.X servers on the local computer (utility was started without parameters):

%D2000-I-OPC DA 2.xx Servers list on '':
%D2000-I-ProgID: 'Ipesoft.D2000.OPCServer.Local.1'
%D2000-I-UserType: 'Ipesoft D2000 OPC server - Ipesoft.D2000.OPCServer.Local'
%D2000-I-GUID: '{A56B23B7-82E6-47A9-8487-3AEC2F8413DF}'

OPC DA 2.X Server with ProgID "Ipesoft.D2000.OPCServer.Local.1" was find. ProgID is the name of OPC server, which should be used at configuration of D2000 communication line of  "OPC Client" type, tab "OPC", input field "Server".

Solving problems

  • Error reporting IOPCServerList2:GetClassDetails, Class not registered.
%D2000-E-COM/OPC error 80040154H on IOPCServerList2:GetClassDetails, Error string : Class not registered

SHOWOPC utility uses the services of class IOPCServerList2 of OPC Server Browser OPCENUM. OPC Server Browser OPCENUM is a part of installation of "OPC Core Components Redistributable", which is available on Usually it is the part of installation of the OPC server. Check if the windows service "OPCENUM" is initialized.

  • Error reporting E_ACCESSDENIED: Access is denied.
%D2000-E-COM/OPC error 80070005H on CoCreateInstanceEx, Error string : E_ACCESSDENIED: Access is denied.

Insufficient access rights to remote computer. For more information see this document.

Document revision

  • Ver. 1.0 – November 30, 2009 – Document creating.

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