Pointer to KomUniVal structure with the historical value
of the I/O tag. WARNING: Do not use and write directly into KomUniVal
structure of the I/O tag (the parameter ppPtVal) in
the PointPar structure.
This structure is used by the process
D2000 KOM to compare with a new value and
the value is sent to the system if the value or status of the new value
and previous one are not the equal. This behaviour can be influenced in
part by the attribute Stat (see next parameter).
Attributes for writing a new
value. Possible values:
0 - no attributes
ST_SOURCE_LIMITS - settings of limits is given by user - the
states InLimit, VL_Limit,
L_Limit, H_Limit, VH_Limit are set by user and not by the process
D2000 KOM
ID of the transaction, which was sent by the
D2000 Server as a parameter of the procedure ReadStoredData.
The function sends a historical value of an I/O tag, which is got by calling
the function ReadStoredData,
to the system. The value is not inserted into the system as current one but it
is saved by the process
D2000 Archiv.
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