%HI_SetGraphTimeZoneVisible function

The function %HI_SetGraphTimeZoneVisible allows to switch off a displaying of selected time zones.
 INT in _refId,
 INT in _zoneId,
 BOOL in _bVisible

refId Reference to graphic object (reference variable).
zoneId Identifier of zone, number from 1,..n.
Zones which are not defined by time range have a value = 0.
bVisible Displaying / not displaying of time zone in graph.

The function allows to switch off a displaying of selected time zones (e.g. Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, time from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., etc.).
 ENTRY TimeZones_OnClick
 TIME _gbt
  TIME _get
 _get := %NextTime(3600, 3600, 0)
 _gbt := %SubTime(_get,8*3600)
 %HI_SetGraphTimes(_Graph, _gbt, _get, @TRUE)
 %HI_SetGraphTimeZone(_Graph,1, %AddTime(_gbt,%StrToRelTime("01:00:00")), %AddTime(_gbt,%StrToRelTime("02:00:00")))
 %HI_SetGraphTimeZone(_Graph,2, %AddTime(_gbt,%StrToRelTime("03:00:00")), %AddTime(_gbt,%StrToRelTime("04:00:00")))
 %HI_SetGraphTimeZone(_Graph,3, %AddTime(_gbt,%StrToRelTime("05:00:00")), %AddTime(_gbt,%StrToRelTime("06:00:00")))
 %HI_SetGraphTimeZoneColor(_Graph,1, %MakeRGB(0, 127, 0))
  %HI_SetGraphTimeZoneColor(_Graph,3, %MakeRGB(255, 0, 0))
  %HI_SetGraphTimeZoneVisible(_Graph,2, @FALSE)
 END TimeZones_OnClick

If data, designated for displaying in graph, is send to hidden time zone it will be ignored during drawing.

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