Local structure identifier determining a target structure when copying - Record, type ALIAS, object Structured variable.
Identifier of Int type.
The action (analogous to COPYCOL) copies the
column of the structure _src which is given by the sequential
number _srcColIdx into the column of the local structure _dst
which is given by the sequential number _dstColIdx.
If the structure _dst do not contain required number of rows, the
action internally executes the command REDIM.
RECORD (SD.RecordDef) _src
RECORD (SD.DbStruct) _dst
REDIM _src[10]
; Copying values from the column src^Int into the column dst^Int
; The action internally executes the action REDIM _dst[_src\DIM]
COPYCOLIDX _src, 2, _dst, 2
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